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Travel Bug Dog Tag #2 Der kleine Weltenbummler

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Bergli1996 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, 02 October 2014
Hessen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of TBNZ1.

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Current Goal


Reise in verschiedene Metropolen der Welt. Es wäre sehr schön, wenn dem Listing ein Bild von besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten hinzugefügt werden würde. Über viele Streckenkilometer würde er sich natürlich auch sehr freuen, weil er ja dadurch besonders viel von der großen weiten Welt sieht.



Travel to different cities around the world. Adding a picture of visited sights to the listing is highly recommended.

About This Item

Nachdem ich schon so manchen Travelbug gegrabbed hatte und auch schon viele einfach nur discoverd hatte, wurde bei mir recht schnell der Wunsch nach eigenen Travelbugs groß. Hier habt ihr nun einen meiner ersten 3 TB´s.

#1 Die kleine Rennschüssel TB6Q3RK

#3 Der kleine Feuerwehrmann TB61GTB

Nun setze ich die Reihe "Der / Die / Das kleine ..." mit 2 weiteren TB´s fort.

#4 Der kleine Geologe TB6R451

#5 Der kleine Ministrant TB6R459

Gallery Images related to #2 Der kleine Weltenbummler

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    Tracking History (87348.7mi) View Map

    Discovered It 01/30/2025 TheBignells discovered it   Visit Log

    Spotted in the Surrey Mid-Week Event #155: Cranleigh event. Thanks for sharing.

    Retrieve It from a Cache 01/30/2025 TBNZ1 retrieved it from Surrey Mid-Week Event #155: Cranleigh South East England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Picked up at an event in Surrey meeting lots of great Geocachers!! Heading overseas in a month, so this wee friend is coming with me! TFTBug!

    Discovered It 01/30/2025 Cacheandwalk discovered it South East England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    I spotted this trackable at a Surrey event in Cranleigh. Thank you for sharing 👍🏻.

    Discovered It 01/30/2025 Froudster discovered it South East England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    Saw at surrey event.

    Dropped Off 01/30/2025 Sjrwilliams placed it in Surrey Mid-Week Event #155: Cranleigh South East England, United Kingdom - 17.63 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 01/25/2025 Sjrwilliams took it to Country Memorials - Elizabeth's Valley South East England, United Kingdom - 1.35 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 01/25/2025 Sjrwilliams took it to #26 Balcombe Bouncer South East England, United Kingdom - .23 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 01/25/2025 Sjrwilliams took it to #25 Balcombe Bouncer South East England, United Kingdom - .24 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 01/25/2025 Sjrwilliams took it to #24 Balcombe Bouncer South East England, United Kingdom - .44 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 01/25/2025 Sjrwilliams took it to #23 Balcombe Bouncer South East England, United Kingdom - .14 miles  Visit Log
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