Espinho offer Xaave
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Saturday, 10 August 2024
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Tracking History (173380.8mi) View Map
xaave took it to Trilho do Zêzere - Zona de Descanso
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- .79 miles
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xaave took it to Paraiso Perdido no Zezere
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- 3.86 miles
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xaave took it to Piscina Ooolimpica
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- 3.62 miles
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xaave took it to Ponte do Brejo da Correira
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- 1.43 miles
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xaave took it to Poço Redondo
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- .61 miles
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xaave took it to VG do Pampilhal
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- .39 miles
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xaave took it to Pampilhal - Capela de Nossa Srª das Neves
Castelo Branco, Portugal
- 2.42 miles
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xaave took it to Parque de Merendas - Margem do Zêzere
Leiria, Portugal
- .64 miles
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xaave took it to Vista para o rio
Leiria, Portugal
- 64.75 miles
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xaave took it to Burro de Ferrel
Leiria, Portugal
- 4.51 miles
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data on this page is cached for 3 mins