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Die Maus Geocoin - Entdecker Die Maus Geocoin

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Friday, 24 May 2019
Bayern, Germany
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In the hands of 63hannnah.

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Diesen Coin hat ein Q zu seinen 10. Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen und freut sich viel Neues von seiner Maus zu hören. Wie ihr unter …. lesen könnt ist diese Maus sehr neugierig. Deshalb möchte dieser Coin an viele interessante Orte reisen, soviel wie möglich von der Welt sehen und viele nette Geocacher treffen.

This mouse-coin was given to a young geocacher for his 10th birthday. As you have read above the mouse is very curious. Hopefully you can take it to many interesting places. The coin wants to travel and see as much as possible from the world and of course meet many nice geocachers. The young boy would be happy to read a lot about the adventures of the mouse.

About This Item

Die Sendung mit der Maus ist eine der erfolgreichsten Kindersendungen im deutschen Fernsehen.    In dieser Sendung werden sogenannte Lach- und Sachgeschichten gezeigt. Das sind entweder kurze Zeichentrickfilmen oder auch Wissensfilme (z. B. Wie wird ein Streichholz hergestellt oder wie kommt die Zahnpasta in die Zahnpastatube. Obgleich das Zielpublikum Kinder im Kindergarten- und Grundschulalter sind, liegt das Durchschnittsalter der Zuschauer bei knapp 40 Jahren. Eltern und Großeltern sitzen häufig zusammen mit ihren Kindern vor dem Fernseher.

The broadcast “Sendung mit der Maus” (“Programme with the Mouse”) is one of the most successful children's television programme in Germany. It shows so-called laughing and learning stories. These are either short cartoons or even explaining films (e.g. How does the toothpaste get into the toothpaste tube?). Although the target audience are children in kindergarten and elementary school, the average age of the spectators is almost 40 years. Parents and grandparents often watch together with their children.

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    Tracking History (68484.4mi) View Map

    Retrieve It from a Cache 10/18/2024 63hannnah retrieved it from Narrow Minded London, United Kingdom   Visit Log

    It’s my 1st bug!

    Dropped Off 10/15/2024 TheTrainMaster5 placed it in Narrow Minded London, United Kingdom - 438.55 miles  Visit Log

    Going for a sail in this canal boat looking geocache

    Visited 10/13/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to Old Exchange Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 43.65 miles  Visit Log

    Die mause war hier

    Visited 09/23/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to Church Micro 14998...Cullen Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - 45.67 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 09/20/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to A Walk in the Woods 6 Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .11 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 09/20/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to A Walk in the Woods 5 Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .19 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 09/20/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to A Walk in the Woods 4 Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .11 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 09/20/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to A Walk in the Woods 3 Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .12 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 09/20/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to A Walk in the Woods 2 Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .11 miles  Visit Log


    Visited 09/20/2024 TheTrainMaster5 took it to A Walk in the Woods 1 Northern Scotland, United Kingdom - .15 miles  Visit Log

    Helped me place the a walk in the woods series

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