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Dutch Microcoin 2006 Pingos Dutch Microcoin 2006 #1 disappeared

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pingos Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

I want to travel all over the world in (micro)caches.

About This Item

Dutch microcoin

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to Pingos Dutch Microcoin 2006 #1 disappeared

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Tracking History (5626.7mi) View Map

Mark Missing 04/30/2013 UnionPacific4012 marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message.
This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 03/10/2013 pingos posted a note for it   Visit Log

Wanneer deze geocoin aan u getoond wordt, wilt u dan a.u.b. aan de toonder uitleggen dat deze geocoin niet mag worden (thuis) gehouden.
Ik ben de eigenaar en de geocoin moet in een geocache worden achtergelaten.
De bedoeling is dat de geocoin van cache naar cache reist.
Dank u....

If this geocoin is shown to you, please explain to the person that is showing it, this geocoin is not to be kept.
This geocoin is owned by me and it needs to be dropped in a geocache.
The purpose of this geocoin is to travel from cache to cache.
Thank you...

Write note 12/25/2012 Faust 64 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Nö, leider nicht mehr im Cache, Gruß, Faust 64

Write note 06/27/2012 Sternchen1611 posted a note for it   Visit Log

der war heute nicht im doeschen zu sehen!

Discovered It 04/26/2012 jetzschi discovered it   Visit Log

Alles Gute!

Discovered It 04/26/2012 Elmzwerg discovered it   Visit Log

Dieses schöne Teil irgendwann entdeckt.
Leider weiß ich nicht mehr genau wo. 😟

Allzeit gute Reise und liebe Grüße vom Elm!

Write note 02/19/2012 Team Winnetou posted a note for it   Visit Log

Definitv nicht im Cache

Write note 11/27/2011 herodius posted a note for it   Visit Log

heute nicht im "Der Cottbuser Platz" gesehen

Dropped Off 11/11/2011 UnionPacific4012 placed it in Der Cottbuser Platz Saarland, Germany - .95 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/29/2011 UnionPacific4012 retrieved it from Oberes Malstatt Drive-In Saarland, Germany   Visit Log

Habe den Coin mal da rausgeholt und werde ihn bald weiter reisen lassen... :)
Eine wirklich schöne Münze

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