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Travel Bug Dog Tag #008-As trouxas do velho.TB.

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h_raky Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, 05 January 2011
Leiria, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

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Current Goal

Andar sempre às costas do velho para todo o lado por onde ele ande na procura de contentores.As trouxas do velho
 Lá dentro está a minha colecção de crachas que vou arranjando, e algumas prendas que vou guardando.

About This Item

As trouxas do velho

As trouxas do velho
As trouxas do velho
As trouxas do velho.
As trouxas do velho.

As trouxas do velho.As trouxas do velho.
Aqui as imagens dos meus Crachas 



Gallery Images related to #008-As trouxas do velho.TB.

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Tracking History (8788.4mi) View Map

Visited 08/07/2017 h_raky took it to [074.MGR] - Monte Gordo Faro, Portugal - 171.14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/07/2017 h_raky took it to [060.AZB] - A fazenda Lisboa, Portugal - 4.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/07/2017 h_raky took it to [064.CDV] - O Sobreiro do Espigão Lisboa, Portugal - 12.5 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 03/05/2016 Pitorra discovered it   Visit Log


Move To Inventory 07/08/2015 h_raky moved it to their inventory   Visit Log
Move To Collection 07/08/2015 h_raky moved it to their collection   Visit Log
Visited 03/21/2014 h_raky took it to Vamos chamar a Prima Vera!!!! Santarém, Portugal - 10.62 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 02/01/2014 FMarques discovered it   Visit Log

Seen in GEOCOINFEST Europe 2012 [@ Lisbon / Portugal]
On August 4, 2012
Thanks for sharing.

Discovered It 11/09/2013 Bocaseca discovered it   Visit Log

Visto durante o evento verdes castanhas

Discovered It 11/09/2013 Whitteam discovered it   Visit Log

Vista no evento "Verdes Castanhas 2013", obrigado ao owner pela partilha.

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