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Travel Bug Dog Tag Bug Me

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scfam10 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 07 July 2013
Michigan, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Forte Santa Luzia

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Current Goal

My mission is to travel the 50 states and be placed in a cache located in a State Park in that state. Returing to Sand Creek Michigan once my mission has been fulfilled. Please take a picture with the TB and note where you are. Thanks!

About This Item

Real Bug key chain.

Gallery Images related to Bug Me

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    Tracking History (43388.4mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 02/24/2024 Mofalady placed it in Forte Santa Luzia Portalegre, Portugal - 1,332.46 miles  Visit Log
    Write note 02/24/2024 Mofalady posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Viel Glück für die Weiterreise.

    Good luck for your onward journey.

    Retrieve It from a Cache 02/03/2024 Mofalady retrieved it from Wasserturm Michaelerberg Wien, Austria   Visit Log

    Darf mit mir auf Reise gehen.
    Can go on a trip with me.

    Dropped Off 11/04/2023 babsirella81 placed it in Wasserturm Michaelerberg Wien, Austria - 7.53 miles  Visit Log

    Placed it at a real nice walkway in the "Wiener Wald".

    • 'Bug me' visiting the "Wasserturm&quo
    Visited 11/01/2023 babsirella81 took it to Stadl in der Au Wien, Austria - 17.24 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 10/22/2023 babsirella81 retrieved it from Guter Zweck Dosi Niederösterreich, Austria   Visit Log

    Retrieved it from 'Guter Zweck Dosi' and will accompany 'Bug me' some more days until I find a comfortable TB Hotel.

    Dropped Off 10/05/2023 marmelada placed it in Guter Zweck Dosi Niederösterreich, Austria - 7.93 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/04/2023 marmelada took it to ChaCha Niederösterreich, Austria - 1.69 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/04/2023 marmelada took it to Petrol Station #8 HAI Niederösterreich, Austria - 32.35 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/04/2023 marmelada took it to Pozorovateľňa vtáctva - Bačianske rameno Trnavský kraj, Slovakia - 19.87 miles  Visit Log
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