Portugal National Treasures II
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Friday, 05 December 2014
Viseu, Portugal
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In the hands of kashmir.team.
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O meu objectivo é viajar pelo mundo até ao ano 2020. Nesse ano pretendo voltar a Portugal e encontrar o meu dono. Até lá espero saltar de cache em cache e conhecer vários paises !!!
Por favor coloquem fotografias dos sitios por onde ando.
My goal is to travel arround the world till the year 2020. Then I intend to return to Portugal to find my owner. Until that year hopefully you will help me jump from cache to cache and travel across several countries !!!
Please take and publish pictures from the places I'm travelling
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Tracking History (1318.7mi) View Map
kashmir.team took it to Aeródromo Municipal de Vila Real
Vila Real, Portugal
- 1.5 miles
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kashmir.team took it to O Misterioso Livro das Sombras
Vila Real, Portugal
- 1.5 miles
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kashmir.team took it to Aeródromo Municipal de Vila Real
Vila Real, Portugal
- 1.79 miles
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kashmir.team took it to O Misterioso Livro das Sombras
Vila Real, Portugal
- 25 miles
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kashmir.team took it to Estação de Vidago
Vila Real, Portugal
- 25 miles
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kashmir.team took it to Estação de Vidago
Vila Real, Portugal
- 25 miles
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kashmir.team took it to O Misterioso Livro das Sombras
Vila Real, Portugal
- .29 miles
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kashmir.team took it to Ponte de Ferro
Vila Real, Portugal
- .45 miles
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kashmir.team took it to Bancadas das Boxes
Vila Real, Portugal
- .72 miles
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kashmir.team took it to O Misterioso Livro das Sombras
Vila Real, Portugal
- 25 miles
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