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OceantagZ Manny and Turtles friend MADRACE 2013

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fariafamily Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 08 September 2013
Arquipélago da Madeira, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In Sunday stroll 4

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TB5T7R7 to reference this item.

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Current Goal



Eu sou o Manny!

Eu e o meu amigo Cid estamos numa corrida de TBs! Eu por ser mais lento conto com a ajuda da minha amiga tartaruga para chegar ao fim desta corrida bem posicionado!!

Ajuda-nos a ganhar esta corrida, e em Setembro de 2014 queremos voltar a estar juntos novamente!

About This Item



Este TB está inscrito numa corrida e os seus objetivos são viajar pelo mundo e conseguir ganhar e para isso tem de ganhar muitos pontos e os pontos são dados da seguinte forma:

- 1 ponto por cada kilómetro acumulado;

- 5 pontos por cada cache visitada;

- 10 pontos por cada movimento com fotos anexadas, feito por um Geocacher diferente (logs de discover não serão contabilizados);

- 50 pontos por cada distrito ou região diferente visitada (seja em Portugal ou no estrangeiro);

- 500 pontos por cada país diferente visitado;

- 5000 pontos de penalização para movimentos efectuados pelo owner do trackable (excepção feita ao primeiro movimento de largada no Tiro de Partida);

- 10000 pontos de penalização para movimento fraudulentos que desvirtuem o espírito inicial da corrida (esta penalização poderá ser aplicada tantas vezes quantas necessárias para recolocar a verdade desportiva);

- Só serão contabilizados os primeiros movimentos de cada Geocacher (retrieve + drop). O sistema ignorará, pura e simplesmente, os segundos e seguintes movimentos efectuados pelo mesmo Geocacher, independentemente se serem consecutivos ou intervalados;

Para mais infomaçãoes vão:

P.S:Gostaria que fossem tiradas fotografias dos locais onde o Manny and Turtles Friend MADRACE 2013 esteve para ver um pouco da sua viagem.





This TB is inscribed in a race and their goals are to travel around the world and to win and to do that you have to win many points and points are given as follows:

-1 point for each kilometer driven;

-5 points for each cache visited;

-10 points for each movement with pictures attached, made by a different Solver (discover logs will not be counted);

-50 points for each district or different region visited (either in Portugal or abroad);

-500 points for every different country visited;

-5000 penalty points to moves made by the owner of the trackable (exception made to the first movement starts in shooting match);

-10000 penalty points for fraudulent movement who misunderstand the initial spirit of the race (this penalty may be applied as many times as necessary to restore the true sports);

-Will only be accounted the first movements of each Solver (retrieve drop). The system ignores, purely and simply, the second and following movements carried out by the same Geocacher, regardless of whether they are consecutive or separate days;

To more information go to:

P. S: I would like to that were taken pictures of the locations where the Manny and Turtles Friend MADRACE 2013   was to see some of your trip.

Gallery Images related to Manny and Turtles friend MADRACE 2013

View All 14 Gallery Images

Tracking History (25295.8mi) View Map

Write note 11/10/2024 The Chappell-Cachers posted a note for it   Visit Log

Trackable is not in the cache.

Dropped Off 09/03/2023 DottyDetectives placed it in Sunday stroll 4 Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 28.74 miles  Visit Log

Just having a little rest, not mushroom though.

  • Just having a little rest, not mushroom though. Log image uploaded from Geocaching® app
Retrieve It from a Cache 08/15/2023 DottyDetectives retrieved it from A Truckers Delight - A59 - Charlie Yorkshire, United Kingdom   Visit Log

First trackable found

Dropped Off 08/13/2023 DEXBEXNKT placed it in A Truckers Delight - A59 - Charlie Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 68.34 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 06/05/2023 DEXBEXNKT retrieved it from Chester Supertrees North West England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Will move on.

Dropped Off 06/01/2023 Raf a Mif placed it in Chester Supertrees North West England, United Kingdom - 2.49 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/31/2023 Raf a Mif took it to Gnikki North West England, United Kingdom - 42.56 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/31/2023 Raf a Mif took it to Alice and Co North Wales, United Kingdom - 37.76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/31/2023 Raf a Mif took it to Bike or Hike - ianburford North Wales, United Kingdom - .12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/31/2023 Raf a Mif took it to Bike or Hike - Hardnut North Wales, United Kingdom - .13 miles  Visit Log
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