#rodny's trip to New Zealand and back
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Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia
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The quest:
My quest is to travel to New Zealand and then hopefully back to me to Czech Republic. I would like you to take photos of interesting places where I was. The journey is long, so please put me just in secure caches! :)
Mým úkolem je cesta na Nový Zéland a doufejme, že i cesta zpět ke mě do České Republiky. Rád bych, aby jste k logům přikládali fotky zajímavých míst, ve kterých jsem se nacházel. Cesta je dlouhá, tak mě prosím vkládejte jen do bezpečných keší! :)
Gallery Images related to #rodny's trip to New Zealand and back
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Tracking History (10900.1mi) View Map
#rodny took it to Císařský kámen
Liberecký kraj, Czechia
- 16.45 miles
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#rodny took it to Trójstyk - Trojmezí - Dreiländereck
Dolnośląskie, Poland
- 7.52 miles
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#rodny took it to Finstere Tülke
Sachsen, Germany
- 12.04 miles
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#rodny took it to 06. SRPEN - Airport Chrastava
Liberecký kraj, Czechia
- 8.58 miles
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#rodny took it to Skalni hrib
Liberecký kraj, Czechia
- 5.01 miles
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#rodny took it to Jizerské tisícovky - Holubník
Liberecký kraj, Czechia
- 141.78 miles
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#rodny took it to Jizerskohorske rozvodi III
Liberecký kraj, Czechia
- 173.43 miles
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#rodny took it to Pozorovatelna Durch
Zlínský kraj, Czechia
- .94 miles
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#rodny took it to Brezovy haj
Zlínský kraj, Czechia
- 217.49 miles
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#rodny took it to Tri rybnicky
Ústecký kraj, Czechia
- 154.52 miles
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