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Rainbows K9 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, 02 February 2015
New York, United States
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Current Goal

"Shelby's Travel Bug"

Hello From New York!

OZ The Travel Bug is being sent out into the world to celebrate the life and  memory of my 14 year old Chihuahua, Shelby.

OZ's mission is to have his picture taken with YOUR dog. Maybe they could even go geocaching together.

If your best friend has moved on to Rainbow Bridge, as my Shelby has, I would be honored if you put a photo of your dog on this page.

By December 31, 2015 there will be 200 of my OZ travel bugs spread out all over the world. Each travel bug will be sent to a different country or to a different state in North America. The name at the top of this page will tell you where this particular travel bug would like to be.

To put it simply, OZ's mission is to visit homes in different countries and in every state of the union where the word "Dog" means the same in every language. Love-Loyalty-Friend.

It is my hope that people all across the globe will read "Shelby's Story" and be inspired to share their own story about their best friend. Perhaps through stories and photos we will see that we are not all that different from one another. If one small dog who asked for nothing but gave everything can reach out and touch even one life across the oceans imagine what we as human beings could do if only we would try.

Thank you for helping OZ on his journey to share Shelby's Story and may Peace, Love and the Heart of a Good Dog help you on your journey.

Rainbows K9

Count Your Rainbows-Not Your Thunderstorms

"Shelby's Story" is below in the "Description". 

About This Item

My Shelby Baby

Shelby's Story

Shelby and I were together for all but the first 6 weeks of her life. She was very sick and was about to be put to sleep when I stole her away. I rescued Shelby that day but for the next 14 years Shelby rescued me. After an accident I was forced to stay in bed for almost a year and Shelby never left me for a moment. She refused to go play outside or to eat anywhere but in my room on my bed. The only time she would leave me was to go do her" business". Then she would run right back and run to my bedroom and cry until someone put her back on my bed.

During that time Shelby saved my life. I won't go into the details but if not for Shelby I would not be here today. Shelby was 6 pounds of pure courage, intelligence and love.
Shelby fought for almost 2 years to stay with me. My Vet told me to put her to sleep when she needed her spleen removed. I looked Shelby in the eyes, held her and I knew she wasn't ready. I was right.  My Vet told me to put Shelby to sleep when she got a blot clot in her intestines. Again I knew she wasn't ready. And then Shelby got kidney failure and still she fought to stay with me. The very last thing-the very last thing I would ever do was make Shelby suffer. Each time she fought back death and returned to her happy playful self.
But as her small body began to succumb to the kidney failure we both knew the end was near.
One morning Shelby crawled into my arms and said "Mommy I'm sorry but I have to leave now". I called my Vet one moment later and had him come to my home. I held her in my arms and spoke to her, feeling her heartbeat against my chest as the Vet gave her the injection. The Vet stood up and said "She's gone". But she wasn't, I could still feel her tiny heart beating. The Vet said "that's impossible" and then he felt it too, Tears started to stream down my Vet'a face as he gave her a second injection. He said "in 35 years I've never had to give an animal more than one injection. Even in death Shelby is trying to stay with you.
I now have Shelby's ashes but I will have Shelby herself in my heart for-ever. She was more than just a dog she was my best friend.
I am told there is a special place called "Rainbow Bridge" where animals go to wait for their owners. I pray that this is true because I can't bear the thought of eternity without my Shelby Baby.
Thank You to all the geocachers out there that are making this mission possible.

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Tracking History (17518.6mi) View Map

Write note 03/19/2017 wayn0 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Confirming not in GCTAKW Tennis Anyone?

Write note 08/10/2016 amccahon12 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Couldn't see a trackable in there

Dropped Off 06/11/2016 MinkosDes placed it in Tennis Anyone? Queensland, Australia - 42.66 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to Meander to Ewen Queensland, Australia - .57 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to Addlington on Ewen Queensland, Australia - .37 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to TD 033 - Dear Ewen Queensland, Australia - .65 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to Which way to the dam? Queensland, Australia - .19 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to Up in there... Queensland, Australia - .7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to TD 024 - Be Dammed Queensland, Australia - .16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 05/15/2016 MinkosDes took it to TD 025 - What’s in the bush Queensland, Australia - .38 miles  Visit Log
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