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Travel Bug Dog Tag [LOST] Machina 01239 Dog Tag

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Majki_Obbi Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Małopolskie, Poland
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Current Goal

[EN] I wish to travel from cache to cache. I love caches related to music and pop art. Would you take me to any of them?

[PL] Pragnę podróżować ze skrytki do skrytki. Lubię kesze związane z muzyką i popsztuką. Czy zabierzesz mnie do któregoś z takich miejsc?

About This Item

Machina 01239 Dog Tag

[EN] A dog tag shaped plate, distributed in the mid-'90s by the Polish pop culture magazine "Machina". Serial number 01239. With this Machina plate, the magazine's readers were entitled to cheaper tickets for events and other benefits.

[PL] Blaszka w formie nieśmiertelnika, dystrubuowana w połowie lat 90-tych przez polski miesięcznik popkulturalny "Machina". Numer seryjny 01239. Czytelnicy magazynu posiadający machinoblachę mogli korzystać ze zniżek na bilety na koncerty.

Gallery Images related to [LOST] Machina 01239 Dog Tag

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Tracking History (35798.2mi) View Map

Mark Missing 09/20/2020 Majki_Obbi marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Discovered It 06/21/2019 gabriel230 discovered it Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log

Encontrado na cache: Praia da Vigia [Costa do Tritão] - GC312D3

Dropped Off 06/14/2019 Freegene placed it in Praia da Vigia [Costa do Tritão] Lisboa, Portugal - 58.57 miles  Visit Log

From Mértola in the interior of Portugal to the beautiful coastline ! We wish you good journey

Retrieve It from a Cache 03/04/2019 Freegene retrieved it from Cerrinho da Antena (Mértola) Beja, Portugal   Visit Log

We found this bug looking at the magnificent, view of Mértola, we will take it for a spin!!

Visited 11/26/2018 Gilocas took it to Surpresa Santarém, Portugal - 41.8 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/26/2018 Gilocas took it to VG da Caneira Évora, Portugal - 1.91 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/26/2018 Gilocas took it to Ermida de Santo António [Reloaded] Évora, Portugal - 47.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/21/2018 Gilocas took it to Ferrocache Santarém, Portugal - 17.69 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/19/2018 Gilocas took it to Chamusca aqui tão perto Santarém, Portugal - 18.48 miles  Visit Log
Dropped Off 11/15/2018 Gilocas placed it in Cerrinho da Antena (Mértola) Beja, Portugal - 128.41 miles  Visit Log
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