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Mystery at the Museum Tag Snowflake traveler

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tomsetki Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, 01 December 2021
Recently Spotted:
In Hopmaniaks PLAAGGEEST 🃏

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Current Goal

Hello, my name is Snowflake traveler. I challenge you to race with me over the world and let to win the best! Hopefully it'll be me.wink.

About This Item

Snowflake traveler is part of the Great Slovenian TB race 2022. Please help it on the way from cache to cache moving it as fast and as far away as possible. The trackable with the greatest distance traveled until December, 2022, will win the race.


Trackable race 2022, organised by Slovenian Geocaching Club, started on December 15, 2021, and will run until December 8, 2022. The racer with the greatest distance travelled will win. Check the weekly updated leaderboard and map with the current standings of the race at

Gallery Images related to Snowflake traveler

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Tracking History (16603.9mi) View Map

Discovered It 12/30/2024 Joey Coco discovered it Zuid-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

Gespot tijdens een cachetochtje....

Discovered It 12/30/2024 bastgula discovered it Zuid-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

Spotted in December 2024!

Dropped Off 10/12/2024 hopmaniak placed it in Hopmaniaks PLAAGGEEST 🃏 Zuid-Holland, Netherlands - 6.31 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/11/2024 hopmaniak retrieved it from Wild Wild Westland Zuid-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

During a nice round of caches, i've found this trackable...
I will take it to it's new location in the near future.

Tijdens een gezellig cachedagje kwam ik deze trackable tegen...
Ik zal hem binnenkort in een andere cache achterlaten.

Happy caching,
Good journey!

Write note 10/08/2024 Jippelien posted a note for it   Visit Log

Gezien bij het WWWEvent

Dropped Off 09/28/2024 oliphientje placed it in Wild Wild Westland Zuid-Holland, Netherlands - 41.82 miles  Visit Log

Left it.

Retrieve It from a Cache 05/13/2024 oliphientje retrieved it from Rondje Hardlopen Utrecht, Netherlands   Visit Log

Took it.

Dropped Off 05/13/2024 Omzwerving placed it in Rondje Hardlopen Utrecht, Netherlands - 69.46 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 05/09/2024 mar-ine discovered it Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany   Visit Log

Seen in the field


Retrieve It from a Cache 05/04/2024 Omzwerving retrieved it from Industrie(TB-)hotel Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany   Visit Log

Took it.

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