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Travel Bug Dog Tag Principessa

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mamamotorola Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 22 September 2006
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This bug is dedicated to a very special woman in my live, which I raly love. I call her "Principessa" (but alomost in German ;-) It is very important, that the bug comes to 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Germany) as fast as possible with many nice stories about love. The logbook I will pass on to this very beautifull and important young woman. Look at the discription which is set with the Travel Bug! You will find there coordination where the bug should arrive, direct oder nearby. Enjoy travelling! Please write email to every time when the bug moves! Thanks and have fun!!!

About This Item

This bug was set on the 22.09.2006 in front wall of a very nice "Vila" where I spend a couple of days with very good friends. It is hidden on N 46° 08.966' / E 009° 19.329' While enjoying ourselfs, I have used the time to hide the bug and think about many things, also my love to this woman! The travel bug is in the wall (lakeside) in about 1,80 m hight. Normaly you can reach in easily. Look for the iron hooks you will find there and think a line from this hooks to the ground. Near one of these lines you will find the cache in a blue plastic box. It is hidden in the wall in a hole and covered with a peace of a red stone (stones which are used for building houses). If you cant find, please contact me! It is realy very important to me, that this bug arrives with me!

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    Tracking History (7956.4mi) View Map

    Discovered It 12/29/2018 Kopretina discovered it   Visit Log

    Videno nekdy, nekde....v ramci plneni restu :-) Dekuji za moznost discovered.

    Discovered It 12/03/2016 Jazzlinka discovered it   Visit Log

    I can discover Principessa due to photo in gallery of this tracking item but there is only doll without the tracking tag at cache Šeřín...

    Dropped Off 07/09/2016 jindrousxxx placed it in Šerín Liberecký kraj, Czechia - 98.32 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 07/06/2016 jindrousxxx retrieved it from Udoli Brtnice Kraj Vysočina, Czechia   Visit Log

    Very nice TB, let´ s go to another cache..

    Discovered It 06/26/2016 Ondra&Tereza discovered it   Visit Log

    Nalezeno v "Udoli Brtnice".

    Dropped Off 06/25/2016 Vojta a Luca placed it in Udoli Brtnice Kraj Vysočina, Czechia - 35.94 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 06/13/2016 Vojta a Luca retrieved it from Červená Lhota Jihočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

    Thank. We´ll move it forward

    Dropped Off 06/06/2016 HA.HA placed it in Červená Lhota Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - .17 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 06/06/2016 HA.HA took it to Cervena Lhota skala Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - 13.59 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 06/05/2016 HA.HA took it to Hlavni Mesta - Sofie Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - .15 miles  Visit Log
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