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Lildorkfish Geocoin [Lost 10.2017] Minz TB - Pokemon

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minz Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 12 October 2007
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
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Unknown Location

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Welcher Pokemon ist das?

Please don't use 'took it' for this TB, only drop and retrieve. Thank you.

Bitte benutze nicht die Funktion 'besucht' beim loggen eines Caches für diesen TB. Danke.


About This Item

TB - Pokemon

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Tracking History (6505.4mi) View Map

Mark Missing 06/08/2018 minz marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Dropped Off 10/15/2017 emscherknecht placed it in Kurz und Knapp war das mal das Dattelner TB Hotel Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 4.45 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 10/01/2017 waltropica discovered it   Visit Log

Beim heutigen CITO in Ickern sah ich diesen TB.

Gruß, waltropica.

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/01/2017 emscherknecht retrieved it from Ickern mal sauberer 2017 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany   Visit Log

Am Rande eines CITO mal mitgenommen. Werde bald eine neue vorübergehende Heimat finden.

Dropped Off 10/01/2017 kukko29 placed it in Ickern mal sauberer 2017 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 14.04 miles  Visit Log

Hier wird aufgeräumt-weiterhin gute Reise !

Visited 09/28/2017 kukko29 took it to Containerless-Cache-Challenge Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 7.5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/27/2017 kukko29 took it to Challenge: Märchen Titel Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 2.44 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/27/2017 kukko29 took it to Westfalenstadion Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 3.75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 09/26/2017 kukko29 took it to Rundes Dortmund #012 Berghoferstr./Ostkirchstr. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 144.18 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 09/25/2017 ruhri5 discovered it   Visit Log

Bei kukko29 gesehen. Weiterhin gute Reise.

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