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21 Aug 13 View Image In need of a bath and a good home 29 Dec 12 View Image dog in the snow in Goderich! 25 Dec 12 View Image Christmas in Ottawa today 25 Nov 12 View Image The New Red Dog
21 Mar 05 View Image Big Red Dog #3 rests with Big Black Dog in AZ 21 Mar 05 View Image Big Red Dog at lowest point in Western Hemisphere 21 Mar 05 View Image Big Red Dog takes a pit stop in Death Valley 14 Dec 04 View Image thanking sponge bug for the rescue
24 Oct 03 View Image Ready for fun! Like any dog, Big Red was ready for a drive. 10 Aug 03 View Image Big Red in Big Red Country 15 Mar 03 View Image Another big red dog Yeah, yeah...big and red, whatever. How 'bout that walk you promised? 8 Mar 03 View Image Uh oh... Which one is the real "Big Red Dog"?