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Total Records: 66 - Page: 1 of 4 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4]>   >>   Next >

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  Name Last Log Owner Location Traveled
[Geocoin Icon]  Trekker the Hiking Boot Travel Tag 08/03/2024 NiteRanger4 Unknown 30221 km
[Geocoin Icon]  13 Years Geocaching - Portugal Geocoin 03/06/2016 magnun12 magnun12 2042 km
[Geocoin Icon]  A 12/26/2023 3 Mares 3 Mares 98253 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Compass Rose 2009 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 12336 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Extremcaching 2010 Geocoin 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 7301 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Figueira da Foz 2009 Geocoin 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 10394 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Geocoin 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 5383 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Lotus Compass Geocoin 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 10394 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Portucale 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 12336 km
[Geocoin Icon]  AGonçalves Portuguese 2009 Geocoin 03/27/2022 AGonçalves AGonçalves 11212 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Barrica Ovos Moles 10/03/2015 3 Mares 3 Mares 26728 km
[Geocoin Icon]  BenSix 07/25/2019 smuchata Unknown 34887 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big Time Caching Geocoin 10/03/2016 Vic-team Vic-team 29849 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Bruno 07/16/2024 Seine Gemütlichkeit Adventure … 100733 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Cheese Robot 02/18/2021 Esmoriz Esmoriz 29862 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Desert Trucker 02/22/2024 Jon Bee #4 Langmäh… 40316 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Ferkel 04/02/2020 cinda-rella Sara e Clá… 24647 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Figueira da foz 2008 Geocoin 10/03/2016 Vic-team Vic-team 54254 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Filetes Astra ! 07/28/2015 Filetes_6 Filetes_6 7028 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Flag of North Korea 07/28/2015 shellbadger Filetes_6 25393 km
Total Records: 66 - Page: 1 of 4 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4]>   >>   Next >