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Total Records: 1023 - Page: 1 of 52 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]>   >>   Next >

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  Name Last Log Owner Location Traveled
[Geocoin Icon]  Templar Geocoin 06/21/2024 Weltenbummler55 Weltenbumm… 63932 km
[Geocoin Icon]  - Adolf II. von Berg - 12/27/2022 Brauni-Bande Unknown 37177 km
[Geocoin Icon]  "Bei die Wikingers TB-Run" - Supporter Coin 12/02/2024 1K9 1K9 85734 km
[Geocoin Icon]  "Bei die Wikingers" TB-Run 1 10/14/2023 Hermine70 Hayley1459… 13080 km
[Geocoin Icon]  "Jishou, China" Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug 01/15/2025 ____Unite for Diabetes Haleda 130580 km
[Geocoin Icon]  "O" is for .... 04/17/2024 crimsonrambler 49. Pickni… 38821 km
[Geocoin Icon]  "Proll" von Lenic 01/07/2025 Lenic Lenic 65929 km
[Geocoin Icon]  #2020 You Might Be A Geocacher If Geocoin 01/01/2021 firlefranz firlefranz 3226 km
[Geocoin Icon]  (Me) Cacher's Best Friend - Tick Tag 01/03/2025 Kom_Ombo Kom_Ombo 17025 km
[Geocoin Icon]  *j - Jetzschi Coin 01/03/2025 jetzschi jetzschi 117941 km
[Geocoin Icon]  *j - Travel Bug Aufnäher 01/03/2025 jetzschi jetzschi 60496 km
[Geocoin Icon]  1_Team ULMALU 112 01/13/2025 ulmalu112 ulmalu112 499452 km
[Geocoin Icon]  10 Jahre EarthCaches - Das Geburtstagsevent 07/21/2024 Bergwiesel* Bergwiesel… 41670 km
[Geocoin Icon]  10000 Milestone 66(6) 01/16/2025 Brutus66 Brutus66 141597 km
[Geocoin Icon]  11-12-13 & 13-12-13 Multi event Geocoin 12/27/2020 Puimannetjes Unknown 63120 km
[Geocoin Icon]  12/12/12 Geocoin 01/06/2025 Wuppermike Wuppermike 127130 km
[Geocoin Icon]  15 Years of Geocaching Geocoin 07/21/2024 Bergwiesel* Bergwiesel… 25310 km
[Geocoin Icon]  150. Braunschweiger Stammtisch Geocoin 01/16/2025 tuxah tuxah 197807 km
[Geocoin Icon]  2.000 Caches Gold 01/12/2025 ollibasti8 ollibasti8 503979 km
[Geocoin Icon]  200. Braunschweiger Stammtisch Geotoken 01/16/2025 tuxah tuxah 104888 km
Total Records: 1023 - Page: 1 of 52 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]>   >>   Next >