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Total Records: 98 - Page: 1 of 5 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5]>   >>   Next >

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  Name Last Log Owner Location Traveled
[Geocoin Icon]  ° 64839m 6115 weiblicher Teil mein Geo Herz Geomünze 11/02/2024 64839m 6115 128135 km
[Geocoin Icon]  ° 64839m An Reisebegleiter 11/02/2024 64839m 6115 723699 km
[Geocoin Icon]  10000 Cache Milestone Coin and Tag Set (sunrise132) 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 38156 km
[Geocoin Icon]  10000 Cache Milestone Coin von sunrise132 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 38156 km
[Geocoin Icon]  2010-2060 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 110330 km
[Geocoin Icon]  2CV Charleston - mein erstes Auto 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 104843 km
[Geocoin Icon]  6115 Happy Caching - Toadstool Geocoin 11/02/2024 6115 6115 46468 km
[Geocoin Icon]  6115 und 64839m 2020 Community Celebration MetalTag 11/02/2024 6115 6115 57159 km
[Geocoin Icon]  7000 Cache Milestone Coin 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 62715 km
[Geocoin Icon]  7000 Cache Milestone Coin CopyTag 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 62699 km
[Geocoin Icon]  7777 Schnapszahl Award 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 45011 km
[Geocoin Icon]  A day without Geocaching... Geocoin 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 46070 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Aquarius Geocoin 10/20/2024 sunrise132 sunrise132 102240 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big-G´s "DIR2012" Eventcoin 10/25/2024 --Big-G-- --Big-G-- 111440 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big-G´s 10 Years Event Geocoin 10/25/2024 --Big-G-- --Big-G-- 114879 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big-G´s Event-Geocoin 10/25/2024 --Big-G-- --Big-G-- 116230 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big-G´s Flashmob Eventcoin 10/25/2024 --Big-G-- --Big-G-- 107386 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big-G´s Schnapszahlen Eventcoin 10/25/2024 --Big-G-- --Big-G-- 108523 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Big-G´s Wichtel Eventcoin 10/25/2024 --Big-G-- --Big-G-- 112140 km
[Geocoin Icon]  BluePhönix on Tour 09/22/2024 Gizmoline Gizmoline 14247 km
Total Records: 98 - Page: 1 of 5 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5]>   >>   Next >