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Total Records: 212 - Page: 1 of 11 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]>   >>   Next >

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  Name Last Log Owner Location Traveled
[Geocoin Icon]  "MrKrids Bandee:" 08/28/2024 MrKrid MrKrid 77186 km
[Geocoin Icon]  -=AH5=- GEOPOLY Token Geocoin 09/08/2024 -=AH5=- Geopoly Dr.Acula 155945 km
[Geocoin Icon]  1.21GW Fluxcapacitor LED Geocoin 06/30/2024 HolaDieWaldfee HolaDieWal… 10716 km
[Geocoin Icon]  1.21GW Fluxcapacitor LED Geocoin 08/28/2024 MrKrid MrKrid 60907 km
[Geocoin Icon]  12/12/12 Geocoin 08/28/2024 MrKrid MrKrid 66057 km
[Geocoin Icon]  2.000 Funde! 08/27/2024 Amazonenbraut Amazonenbr… 40269 km
[Geocoin Icon]  20 years of geocaching - 16 years with Dr.Acula 09/08/2024 Dr.Acula Dr.Acula 49903 km
[Geocoin Icon]  3000 Cache Milestone Coin and Tag Set 08/27/2024 Amazonenbraut Amazonenbr… 27193 km
[Geocoin Icon]  365 Challenge Coin and Tag Set 09/13/2024 derNachtfalke derNachtfa… 24828 km
[Geocoin Icon]  4000 Cache Milestone Coin and Tag Set 08/27/2024 Amazonenbraut Amazonenbr… 16836 km
[Geocoin Icon]  4000 Cache Milestone Coin and Tag Set 08/27/2024 Amazonenbraut Amazonenbr… 16836 km
[Geocoin Icon]  42 - Dr.Aculas Handtuch 09/08/2024 Dr.Acula Dr.Acula 122671 km
[Geocoin Icon]  45 Years Moonlanding Geocoin 08/28/2024 MrKrid MrKrid 56489 km
[Geocoin Icon]  5 Jahre CITO Kemnade - Dr.Acula schwarz 09/08/2024 Dr.Acula Dr.Acula 71547 km
[Geocoin Icon]  5 Jahre CITO Kemnade - Dr.Acula silber 09/08/2024 Dr.Acula Dr.Acula 80606 km
[Geocoin Icon]  5000 Cache Milestone Coin 08/27/2024 DunAenghus DunAenghus 19865 km
[Geocoin Icon]  A.P.E. Tour Gruppenfoto 09/08/2024 Dr.Acula Dr.Acula 95152 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Adrenaline Junkie Tag 08/31/2024 LauraLunaRoja caching du… 13419 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Amazonenbraut’s 3000 Cache Milestone Tag 08/27/2024 Amazonenbraut Amazonenbr… 27193 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Amazonicorn II 08/27/2024 Amazonenbraut Amazonenbr… 74841 km
Total Records: 212 - Page: 1 of 11 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]>   >>   Next >