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Total Records: 143 - Page: 1 of 8 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]>   >>   Next >

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  Name Last Log Owner Location Traveled
[Geocoin Icon]  .T5 Tasse / T5 Ausrüstung 10/26/2024 +GEOghost+ +GEOghost+ 74342 km
[Geocoin Icon]  .The Real Climb Geocoin 10/26/2024 +GEOghost+ +GEOghost+ 221046 km
[Geocoin Icon]  ~Z Happy Birthday 10/26/2024 Zadventurer IrrGeist 89784 km
[Geocoin Icon]  ♥️♥️Du bist das beste was mir je passiert ist!♥️♥️ 10/05/2024 IrrGeist Peta80 14890 km
[Geocoin Icon]  0131/1896 ❓️❔️❓️ 10/26/2024 IrrGeist IrrGeist 10972 km
[Geocoin Icon]  3D Traveler Event Host Coin 10/30/2024 Geo-Jeddak Zensatione… 38313 km
[Geocoin Icon]  50 Jahre Mini 10/03/2024 BirnBaum Die Marbor… 101536 km
[Geocoin Icon]  7 Deadly Ducks Tag 10/26/2024 IrrGeist IrrGeist 78209 km
[Geocoin Icon]  A Wanderers Compass 11/02/2024 Romiley~Wanderers 4Steckenpf… 65414 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Anchors Away TB 11/02/2024 cacheandgeo 4Steckenpf… 40454 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Anna-Nicole Holiday Tree [The-Spy] 10/26/2024 The-Spy IrrGeist 17492 km
[Geocoin Icon]  ARKA GDYNIA 11/02/2024 arti86 4Steckenpf… 19576 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Bay Max 11/02/2024 FamilieACBC 4Steckenpf… 42823 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Bee Smurf 10/20/2024 KEAM.DE "Ei gude" … 2488 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Ben-11/2014-Coin 10/26/2024 Dr. Anubis IrrGeist 112713 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Bernadette the bear 10/13/2024 Keller Kind Tasajoma 312487 km
[Geocoin Icon]  BOB CAPENTER GEOCOIN 10/26/2024 IrrGeist IrrGeist 10972 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Bollerwagen 10/05/2024 nutella_81 nutella_81 4409 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Bryan 2018 Founders Tag 10/28/2024 gaul93 gaul93 81793 km
[Geocoin Icon]  Cachemobile von gaul93 10/28/2024 gaul93 gaul93 53946 km
Total Records: 143 - Page: 1 of 8 - < Prev   <<   <[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]>   >>   Next >