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Travel Bug Dog Tag >>> ROUBADO / STOLEN <<<#007-Anátema TB!

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h_raky Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Leiria, Portugal
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Troco crachás do PDO Team e Tags.

 Change badges PDO Team and Tags, who wants  contact me

PTcoloca fotografias no log      ENG upload photos with your log  

FRphoto avecl'enregistrement

 1st Trackable Race  

 RVZ?4? :)

[PT] -
-1st Trackable Race 
Este não é um objecto de troca normal!
Este trackable está a competir numa corrida. É muito importante que o mantenhas a circular!!! Se possível , não fique com ele muito tempo.

O seu objectivo é viajar pelo Mundo. Por favor ajuda-o a viajar tantos kilómetros quanto possível, visitando diferentes países, distritos e caches. Se possível coloca também fotografias no log, pois estas também contam pontos!

Juntamente com o TB, estão 2 saquinhos onde se quiser podem meter os vossos autocolantes e carimbos.
Assim quando voltar as minhas mãos, irei coloca-los na minha colecção. Obrigado.

Aqui podem ver a corrida Francesa. 

[ENG]- -1st Trackable Race 
This trackable is competing on a race. It’s very important you keep it moving!!! Please don’t keep it .

Its goal is to travel all over the world. Please help it travelling as many miles as possible, visiting different countries, states and geocaches. If possible, upload photos with your log as this will provide some more points to the race!

With the TB are two bags, can get there your stamps and stickers.
So when I get back my hands, I will put them in my collection. Thanks.

Here you can see the French race.




[FR]- -1st Trackable Race 
Cette GC participe à la Premiére Trackable Course

Sa mission est de Voyage autant que possible jusqu'à 20 Février 2012.
S'il est trouvé, s'il vous plaît prenez-le et laissez-le dans une autre geocache.
Nepasoublier delaisserune photo avecl'enregistrement.

Avec la TB, sont deux sacs, pouvez vous y rendre vos timbres et des autocollants.
Donc quand je rentre mes mains, je les mettrai dans ma collection. Merci.

Ici vous pouvez voir la race Française.


About This Item

#007 Anátema

PT Anátema (do grego antigo ἀνάϑημα, "oferta votiva" e, depois, ἀνάϑεμα, "maldição"; derivadas de ἀνατίϑημι, "dedicar") era, na Grécia Antiga, uma oferenda posta no templo de uma deidade, constituída inicialmente por frutas ou animais e, posteriormente, por armas, estátuas, etc. Seu objetivo era agradecer por uma vitória ou outro evento favorável.

ENG Anathema (from Koine Greek ἀνάθεμα "something dedicated, especially dedicated to evil” from ἀνατίθημι anatithēmi, "I set upon, offer as a votive gift") originally meant something lifted up as an offering to the gods; it later evolved to mean.

FRUn anathème désigne aujourd'hui une réprobation générale, une mise à l'index, d'une personne ou d'une idée. Ce mot est notamment utilisé dans des expressions telles que « lancer l'anathème » et « frapper d'anathème ».
L'origine de ce mot est profondément religieuse et selon les époques désigne une offrande ou un sacrifice, comme chez les Grecs et les Romains. Depuis le Nouveau Testament, il signifie généralement une sentence de malédiction à l'égard d'une doctrine ou d'une personne, spécialement dans le cadre d'une hérésie. C'est cette signification qui est reprise dans le sens généralement utilisé de nos jours. 

    1st Trackable Race 

1st Trackable Race

How can i earn some points:

- 1 point for each Km

- 5 points for each visited cache

- 10 points for each movement with attached photos, for each different Geocacher (Discover logs will not count)

- 50 points for each different Region visited (Portugal or abroad)

- 500 points for each different country

There will only be counted the first movements for each Geocacher (retrieve + drop). The system will ignore the following movements done by the same Geocacher, even if they are not consecutive.


Saturday, 19 February 2011




Sunday, 20 February 2011



Gallery Images related to >>> ROUBADO / STOLEN <<<#007-Anátema TB!

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Tracking History (6754.7mi) View Map

Visited 10/5/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to TB-Hotel Holiday-Park Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 42.4 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/4/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to Hüterin der Fluren Saarland, Germany - 11.27 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/3/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to Hasseler-Tunnel Saarland, Germany - 2.78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/3/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to LOST Saarland, Germany - 14.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/2/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to D5J - Ruhebank mit Aussicht Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 26.02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/2/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to Happy Birthday Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 3.5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/2/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to Cache Me If You Can (ZW-Land) Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 3.55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/2/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to bin gut zu Vögel Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 9.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/2/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to Schorsch Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 10.87 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/1/2012 Fuzzy2000 &CacheMami took it to Xxxxxeye Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany - 6.33 miles  Visit Log
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