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Hydroelektrarna (samolepkova cache) Traditional Cache

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Sopdet Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše

Sopdet Reviewer - Reviewer pro ČR (především kraje Jihočeský, Plzeňský a Karlovarský)

Hidden : 03/03/2007
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Cache se nachazi v blizkosti byvale hydroelektrarny (cca 50 m severne). V roce 1922 zrekonstruoval Cesky akciovy pivovar byvaly Fellingeruv mlyn na vodni elektrarnu. Pro spad 2,24 m byly nainstalovany 2 Francisovy turbiny o vykonu 2x 160 kW a vedenim 6 kW byl zasobovan pivovar a nekolik obci. Po znarodneni v r. 1950 byla elektrarna predana JCE a ty ji provozovali do r. 1979. Pote byla hydroelektrarna premenena na tiskarnu a nahon byl upraven pro vodni slalom.V soucasne dobe v budove sidli firma vyrabejici padla a vesla. Cache je urcena pouze pro vymenu samolepek. Prvotni vklad je 30 ks.

EN Cache is placed near a building of a former hydro power plant(app 50 m due north). In 1922 the Fellinger mill was rebuilt into a hydro power plant with 2 Francis turbines that supplied with electricity a brewery and some villages. In 1979 the plant was rebuilt into a printer. Now the building belongs to a company producing paddles. The aim of this cache is to exchange strickers, there are 30 pcs for the beginning.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

h fgebzh RA pybfr gb gur gerr

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)