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ZUS Kurim Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Lidoop: Mozna si zanotujem jeste nekdy jindy na jinem miste.

Hidden : 04/26/2007
3 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Hudebni kes v blizkosti ZUS v Kurimi. ...web...

[ENG] Musical cache located near ZUS in Kurim. ...web...


Na zadanych souradnicih se nachazi vstup do ZUS v Kurimi (na fotce nize). Souradnice skutecneho ulozeni kese ziskate z vyse uvedeneho notoveho zapisu.

Pro FTF je pripraven mikro-zakusek. :o)

[ENG] At the coords is entering to ZUS in Kurim (on photo below). Coords of the cache you should solve from the score above.

ZUS Kurim

Click to verify coordinates

Budu rad, kdyz me zhodnotite!


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

PM pryr arwfbh pvfyn nyr cvfzran A wnxb Aban zntarg an T yvapr RA frzvoerir ner abg ahoref ohg yrggref Aban zrnaf A zntargvp ba T yvar

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)