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Pusty hradek Traditional Cache

Hidden : 04/29/2007
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Geocache Description:

„Severne od Kasperskych hor vypinaji se nad lesnimi vysinami znamenite zriceniny hradu Karlsperka, jehoz jmeno od vzneseneho zakladatele pochazejici (Karlsberg) v poslednich dobach take jako Kasperk se vyslovuje. “

( A. Sedlacek – Hrady, zamky a tvrze kralovstvi ceskeho, dil XI.)


Pusty Hradek byl povazovan za predchudce hradu Kasperk. Predpokladalo se, ze byl postaven jiz ve 12. nebo 13. stoleti.

Ve skutecnosti vsak byl postaven v polovine 15. stoleti rodem Svamberku pravdepodobne temer soucasne s hradem Kasperk. Druhou moznosti je, ze byl postaven Zdenkem ze Sternberka, ktery drzel hrad Kasperk v letech 1454 – 1476.

Pusty Hradek bylo predsunute pozdne goticke opevnene vlastniho hradu. V minulosti zde stavala basta. Mela za ukol chranit pristupovou cestu ke Kasperku. Predevsim vsak vykryvala nebezpecny prostor jihovychodne od hradu. V techto mistech se nachazela vyvysenina, ze ktere by pripadne mohl byt hrad ostrelovan palnymi zbranemi. Pusty Hradek se take podilel na ochrane hospodarskeho zazemi hradu, ktere bylo umisteno mezi touto bastou a samotnym hradem.

Basta byla postavena na nepravidelnem protahlem pudorysu s britem smerem k vychodu. Pravdepodobne se jednalo o dvojpodlazni stavbu, ktera byla doplnena o polopatro s ochozem pro strelce z rucnich zbrani.

Kdyz byl hrad Kasperk roku 1434 oblehan, byl Pusty Hradek z vetsi casti znicen. V baste vypuknul pozar, pri kterem drevene tramy a podlahy zcela vyhorely a malta, v niz byly tramy ulozeny, zarem zruzovela.

Dnes jsou jiz z pusteho hradku jen zriceniny lezici jihovychodne od Kasperku. Pusty Hradek se nachazi v nadmorske vysce 924 metru. Na hrad Kasperk vede nekolik cest. Nejlepsi pristup je z parkoviste Ceske Domky (viz waypoint). Odtud vede turisticka znacka na Kasperk, na rozcesti u hradu je odbocka na Pusty Hradek.

V roce 2010 byly na Pustem Hradku vybudovany drevene schody, ktere usnadnuji vystup a take plosina, ze ktere je nyni bezpecnejsi vyhled. Bohuzel, trosku se vytratilo puvodni "kouzlo" tohoto mista.

Hrad Kasperk


Pusty Hradek has long been considered as a forerunner of Castle Kasperk. It was supposed to be built as early as the 15th or 16th century.

But Hradek was really built in the middle of the 15th century by the Svamberk family, probably at the same time as Castle Kasperk. According to another story, it was built by Zdenek from Sternberk, owner of Castle Kasperk in 1454 - 1476.

Pusty Hradek was part of the late gothic fortifications of the castle. Originally there was a bastion. It served to protect the road to the castle and one very important role was the covering of the southeastern area. In this area was a small elevation - perfect for cannonade. Pusty Hradek also protected the fields between the bastion and the castle itself.

The bastion was built on an unequal oblong groundplan with the sharp corner to the east. It was probably a two storey building with an additional half-floor and gallery for rifle shooters.

When Castle Kasperk was besieged in 1434, the main part of Pusty Hradek was ruined. Fire in the bastion burnt all the wooden beams and floors.

Today there's only the ruin of Hradek laying to the southeast of Castle Kasperk. The elevation of Pusty Hradek is 924m above mean sea level. There are many tracks to Kasperk. The best access is from the parking place Ceske Domky (see the waypoint). There's a marked walk to the castle (directly in front of the castle follow the signs to Pusty Hradek)

In the year 2010 there where built wooden stairs and platform. The wooden stairs make the climbing easier and the platform makes the view safer. Unfortunately, because of this, the place lost it´s original magic.

Hrad Kasperk

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[CZ] fxiven zrmv irgfvzv xnzral - ppn 2,5 z cerq fxnyavz znfvirz. Ceboyrz f anyrmravz? Cbhmvwgr boenmxbil "fcbvyre". [EN] ubyr orgjrra gur ynetr fgbarf - ncebk. 2,5z va sebag bs znffvs. Ceboyrzf jvgu svaq? Hfr cvpgherf "fcbvyre".

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)