Tato osada vyhorela bud jiz v 15. stoleti v obdobi husitskych valek, ci pozdeji v 17. stoleti za valky tricetilete. Dle lidove povesti se zde konala mse, kterou dal slouzit Jan Zizka, kdyz tahl od Velhartic na Rabi.
Kostel s hrotitym portalem a vezi, kde jsou zachovana zdvojena romanska okenka, byl postaven v romanskem slohu v 1. pol. 13. stoleti. Presbytar a sakristie byly pristaveny v 15. stoleti, kdy se uplatnily jiz prvky rane goticke. Klenba lodi je barokni a v interieru se nachazi renesancni oltar a nahrobniky z druhe poloviny 17. stoleti.
Misto je v blizkosti silnice z obce Hradek pres Tedrazice do Susice - cyklostezka 305. Je zde odstavne parkoviste.
Z kopce je pekny vyhled na okoli (Hradek, Tedrazice, Svatobor).
This settlement burned down either already in 15th century during Hussite wars, or later in 17th century at the time of thirty years' war. According to people's fable was celebrated here celebration, which motioned to celebrated Jan Zizka, when pulled from Velhartice to Rabi.
Church with spiky portal and tower, where are conserved geminate Romance little windows, has been built in Romance movement in 1st. mid- 13th century. Presbytery and sacristy was built outne in 15th century, when was applyied already early Gothic elements. Ribbed vault of body is baroque and in interior finds Renaissance altar and tomb stones from second mid- 17th century.
Place is in proximity of road from municipality Hradek across Tedrazice to the Susice - bicycle lane No. 305.
There is parking place for cars.
Down the hill is nice view of neighbourhood (Hradek, Tedrazice, Svatobor).