Azzurra Appennini Multi-Cache
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5/12/2015 - calculations for GZ changed
This is a pleasant drive out to an historical place of interest. Bring a thermos, some smoko and your own pen, to enjoy the peace and quiet - and if it is running, a small gurgling stream.
Caution: Do not park inside the gates in the WP1 area.
At WP1
A/B/19CD is the date the plaque was placed on the stone wall
On the sign nearby, 19EF is the year that planting with pines in this area commenced.
Calculate GZ
S35° 1(D+E).(A)(B)(D+F-E) E148° 5(E).(D)(B-F)(A+D)
GZ Checksum [South 33] [East 32]
Credits: Thanks very much to Albida for showing me this location and helping plan the cache.
6/9/2008: When replacing the cache to a new gz, GPSr was struggling with accuracy so you may need the spoiler - I am not sure
*** First to Find Honours awarded to sw2092 ***
Additional Hints
[total spoiler]Ynetr oynpx zvpeb, haqre ynetr oheag ybt, ebpx va sebag, pybfr gb ebnq naq tngr