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Tremont! EarthCache

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Geocache Description:

Three Stage Earthcache exploring the high dunes of Indiana Dunes! State Park!

This cache is located inside Indiana Dunes State Park and was created by the Indiana Dunes State Park Interpretive Services. There is the standard gate fee to enter the park ($4 weekday, $5 weekend, $10 out of state).

The beach at Indiana Dunes State Park appears calm and unchanging. But in reality, the beach is always a work in progress. It is constantly being constructed and re shaped by strong forces of nature.

The wind is the major sculptor of the beach. When it blows across the smooth surface of Lake Michigan, there’s little to hinder its momentum. It hits the shore with a fury, picking up grains of sand and pushing them inland. As the wind velocity slows over land, sand drops to the earth, and in time, a pile is formed.
Gradually, the pile grows into a tall sand dune. Slowly wind blows sand grains up the gently sloping upwind face of the dunes. Once cresting the top, the wind moves down the steeply sloping backside. This creates momentum for the wind to pick up sand grains and continue inland.
The wind speed slows once again as it heads inland. Sand drops to earth beginning another sand dune and the process starts over.
The younger dunes on the shore block the wind and allow plants to establish on the older dunes. These plants live and die over hundreds of years, creating real soil, yet the soil remains sandy. Over time the grasses and shrubs make way for the forest.
If you’ve ever felt the sting of sand pelting your skin on a windy day at the beach, it’s because you’ve been caught in the middle of this sculpting process.
You can watch the natural succession of the dunes when you walk up the dunes from the beach. First you find the foredunes, with only marram grass holding on, in constant battle to remain on top of the ever blowing sand. Behind that is the high dunes, where time has allowed trees to establish themselves.

In this earthcache you will be hiking to the three highest dunes on the Indiana shoreline. Mt. Tom, Mt. Holden, and Mt Jackson. Additional coordinates are below. I would suggest parking near the Nature Center and finding Trail 4 in the campground for an easier hike. Mt. Holden is tough, either way you go!

At each dune top you must complete the assigned activity.
You will need:
GPS unit
good hiking shoes!

Begin your hike by marking the elevation at the Nature Center. Take a reading when you reach each of the three dunes then subtract the mean elevation that you marked. You will email this when you log it. Also at Mt Tom is a sign. Find the name of the oldest and farthest of the beach levels. Also email this. Continue on and make your way to Mt. Holden. At Mt. Holden, there is a great view of Lake Michigan. Take a picture of your GPS unit, your head, and the lake in the background. Don't forget to note the elevation. When you arrive at Mt. Jackson again take a reading of the elevation and subtract your starting point elevation to email to me.

When completed you will email me 3 (three) dune heights, the oldest beach level, and submit at least one picture in the log.

Additional Coordinates
Mt Tom: N 41 39.860 W 87 03.380
Mt Holden: N 41 39.863 W 87 03.157
Mt Jackson: N 41 39.758 W 87 03.029

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Gerzbag zrnaf guerr zbhagnvaf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)