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Old Jewish Cemetery Traditional Cache

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Silesian Reviewer: Dzień dobry,

Nie otrzymałem żadnej odpowiedzi od właściciela skrytki, więc jestem zmuszony zarchiwizować tę skrytkę.

Silesian Reviewer Volunteer Cache Reviewer for Poland

Hidden : 10/16/2007
3 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Small Tupperware type geocache located in an abandoned Jewish cemetery.

Firstly, to state the obvious, if you have a problem with caches in old cemeteries do not look for this cache!

This cache is located in a sadly neglected, overgrown, now-unused Jewish cemetery within one hour's drive of the Polish/German border. There are in excess of 200 18th and 19th century graves and head stones visible. Some grave stones are smashed, some piled in a heap, others are near perfect. None appear to be tended. Prior to the Second World War the area was part of Germany and had a sizable Jewish population. The whole place has a very unusual atmosphere and is seldom visited by the local townspeople except, perhaps, a few drinkers and teenagers.

The cache is a small tupperware-style container and includes a few trading items, logbook, and pencil.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ybbx va gur fcnpr orgjrra n oebxra gbzofgbar naq vgf onfr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)