The G Spot was identified on the 1950s by german doctor Ernst Gräfenberg. It's a concentration of nervous endings, blood vessels and glands. The G spot is very sensitive to pressure and when stimulated may give intense pleasure.
This spot is not easily found, that's why some people tend to say that there is no G Spot although there are several scientific records that shows its existence.
This cache is dedicated to this german doctor, because you will certainly have a good time searching for this G Spot, in almost the same way herr doctor had fun identifying the original one. As with its female counterpart, it won't be easy to find, but once you figure out where it's at, you’ll understand how rewarding it is.
Original cache by lumacafi, adopted August 19th 2009
Photo: |> Ground Control <| by Carlos Resende (flickr gallery) used with permission from the author.