Max's Marvellous Cache Traditional Cache
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Located in the beautiful woods behind Bow Brickhill (Aspley Wood). Unfortunately this cache is not accessible for pushchair or wheelchair users due to the natural terrain in woods. A three-wheeler pushchair may be possible however. The cache is hidden just off the main paths
PARKING IS NEAR THE CHURCH AT N 51° 59.998 W 000° 40.293
This is a lovely walk from the parking area, perfect for kids and dog walkers.
You are looking for a camo'd tupperware box, which on placing contained the following:
Log book/pencil
Aladdins Lamp TB
"Exterminate" dalek voice thing!
Body cream
Body cream
Cat play ball
Please replace cache carefully after finding - thank you!!
Brick making was until a few years ago carried out in the area, but the name of the village has nothing to do with bricks or the shape of the hill - a greensand ridge - on which it sits.
The Old English name for Bow Brickhill was Bolle Brichelle. Brichelle was the Norman spelling of Bryk - a British word meaning 'hill top'.
Hylle was an Anglo Saxon word meaning 'hill'. At the end of the twelfth century this village was associated with a family named Boel.
Additional Hints
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