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Radelsky lom Multi-Cache

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DarkLord Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše

DarkLord Reviewer

Hidden : 05/01/2008
3 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

[CZ] Tato multi-cache vas kratce provede po radelskem lese, kousek od Jablonce nad Nisou. Doporucuji ji spojit s pesim, nebo cyklo-vyletem (v tom pripade doporucuji trekove nebo horske kolo).

[EN] This multicache offers short trip through Radlo forest, not far from Jablonec nad Nisou. I recommend to carry out this 'cachehunt' as a part of trip along Jablonec tourist circuit on foot or by bicycle (if so I recommend trek or mountain bike).


Stage 1: Turisticka lavka Radlo

N 50°42.629 E 015°08.674

Nachazite se u Turisticke lavky Radlo. Pro ziskani dalsich souradnic si prostudujte mapu vrcholu okolnich hor.

Vypocitejte nasledujici cisla:

A= (Lysa hora + 1) / 32

B= Ralsko + C

C= Kozakov - Studenec

D= Snezka - Certova hora

Vysledne souradnice jsou ve tvaru:

N 50°A,B' a E 015°C,D'

Mate to? Tak hura na stage 2 :-) Ale pockat! Prilis spechu muze skodit. Dost mozna se vam budou hodit nektere dalsi vrcholy... ;-)



Stage 2: U dobraka

Neztracejte cas a obehnete "Dobraka"

...Dlouhym skokem, schovas se pod bukem.

Jen nekolik kroku a hle, par smrku.

Pod kamenem mista akorat,

malou krabku pod nej dat.

Kdo pripravu udelal,

pro finalku utikal...


N ??°??.??? a E ???°??.???


Stage 3: Radelsky lom

Reklo by se obycejny lom, jakych v okoli par je, ale ma jednu zvlastnost. Kameny jsou pokryte asfaltem. Pokud znate duvod teto skutecne nezvykle upravy lomu, napiste to do vaseho logu.


Finalni krabice je tak trosku tematicka. Spousta kaceru si stezuje na spousty panacku z Kinder Surprise. Tak jsem se rozhodl, ze tato krabice bude odpadistem pro tyto panacky. Noste je sem, pokud mozno i s "dokumentaci", a ja se z nich pokusim sestavit cely set. Az bude set hotovy, pridelim mu nejaky "trackable item" a poslu ho do sveta. Treba se najde nejaky fanda nebo sberatel, set si necha a item posle zpet.




Stage 1: Tourist footbridge Radlo

N 50°42.629 E 015°08.674

You're situated beside tourist footbridge Radlo. To get next coordinates read through the map of surrounding hill tops. Calculate following numbers:

A = (Lysa hora + 1) / 32

B = Ralsko + C

C = Kozakov - Studenec

D = Snezka - Certova hora

Resultant coordinates are then:

N 50°A,B' a E 015°C,D'

Got it? Go to the stage 2 then :-) But wait! Hurry too much can be wrong! It's very possible that other hill tops will be useful... ;-)



Stage 2: U dobraka - At good-natured man

Don't waste your time and go round "Good-natured man"

...Just a few steps there's beech-tree.

Behind it spruce trees you can see.

Lonely stone can be your guide

It tells you where cache to hide.

If you don't fail to prepare,

Lots of steps to final spare...


N ??°??.??? a E ???°??.???



Stage 3: Radlo quarry

It seems to be ordinary quarry you can find a few in surroundings, but it has one rarity. Stones are covered by asphalt layer. If you know the reason you can write it into your log. On of the superstitions is that one of the local glass works carried there it’s waste even toxic chemicals.


Final cache is like thematic. Plenty of geocachers complain of many Kinder Surprise toys. So I decided to use this cache as a dumping ground. Breed toys there (with ‘documentation’) and I’ll try to collect entire set. As soon as it is complete it will get traceable item. Hope it will travel to the hands of any fan or collector. She or he can keep the set and item will travel back for another ‘load’.


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[CZ] Fgntr 2: WM [EN] Fgntr 2: FJ [CZ] Fgntr 3: Cbq xnzral [EN] Fgntr 3: Haqre gur fgbarf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)