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Ya Darina Ya Kuwait - Revived Traditional Cache

Hidden : 12/06/2002
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

A revived cache. GCB223 got involved with a demolition team. We saved it before it got lost and re-hid it on the same site.

This cache is in fact the very first cache ever hidden in Kuwait.

It was hidden way back in December 2002 by walzuhair. He has obviously long given up geocaching (Shame).

See the related web page for the old archived cache and logs. This is the link ... (visit link)

In December 2007 there was a major construction on the site. I kidnapped the cache for safe keeping. Later in the month a movie production team moved in for a month or two to make a Ramadan movie called La Hoob (The Fire)

The word "Lahab" means a flame or flames, and "Lahoob" is an old Kuwaiti/Gulf term that usually refers to the heat of the weather. The movie author could have been referring to the weather or any other artistic subliminal message.

It does get pretty hot out there.

They have all gone now and the site has been tidied up a lot.

This is what appears to be an old derelict prison.

Well worth a visit, if only to work out how you would break out of the prison if you had the misfortune to get incarcerated.

The cache is the original, all be it with a brand new shiny container. The original contents and logs are intact.

We have a little geocaching history here...

It is under a tree and covered by a nice rubber tire flower pot. View the spoiler images for the details.

If you found this one before then I guess you are welcome to find it again and claim another find. Not sure about the morality of that or the geocaching protocol.

Another sucessful rescue story........

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ybbx haqre gur bayl gerrf ba gur fvgr

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)