Big Muddy Valley is 60km long, up to 3kms wide & as much as
160m deep. It runs in a southeasterly direction from south-central
Saskatchewan to north-eastern Montana into the Missouri River
Basin. At the end of the last ice age the Big Muddy was part of an
ancient glacial melt water channel that carried vast quantities of
water southeastward. Currently the only significant surface water
in the valley is found in Big Muddy Lake & creek, which all but
disappear in a dry summer. Big Muddy Lake is a shallow large alkali
lake that sits 140m below the surrounding landscape. Big Muddy
Creek flows through the valley & Big Muddy Lake then into the
US where it meets the Missouri River basin.
The walls of the Big Muddy reveal the sedimentary layering
process that created them over a series of geological periods
beginning 65 million years ago. Each layer, called a formation,
formed at a different time under different conditions. The youngest
formations are found higher in the hills. Sedimentary rocks
typically form in large bodies of water & over vast amounts of
time as rivers ceaselessly deliver massive amounts of sand, silt,
& clay into them. These particles are, in turn, distributed by
bottom currents, tides, & waves until they eventually settle
out as layers of sediment. The grain size of the rock indicates the
environment in which the sediments were deposited. For instance,
gravels are only deposited by fast moving streams, while fine clays
are deposited in still water. As new layers accumulate, they
compress the earlier layers with their weight, & cause them to
During the Cretaceous period 3 distinct layers of sedimentary
material was carried from high regions to the west & deposited
over southern Saskatchewan. The 1st of these sedimentary layers is
known as the Bearpaw Formation. It is characterized by dark marine
shale, layers of bentonite & sandstone tongues & it often
exceeds 335m in thickness. This layer forms the subtract material
to the north of the Missouri Coteau.
The 2nd sedimentary layer is the Eastend Formation which shows a
transition from marine to fresh water. It is characterized by rusty
green to yellowish siltstones, sandstones & mudstones. The
upper layer is kaolinzed. Kaolin is exposed in the valley near
Castle Butte & Highway 34. Although of poor commercial quality,
the coal seams found in the Eastend Formation were mined for local
use in the early part of the 20th century.
The 3rd sedimentary layer is known as the Whitemud which is
non-marine & varies from 0 to 14m in thickness. The white
kaolinitic material along with the gray to black layers of carbon
make it easy to recognize. The Whitemud Formation is the most
important source of ceramic clay in Western Canada, supporting the
local pottery, pipe, brick & clay industries.
During the Paleocene period, the Ravenscrag formation was
deposited up to 160m thick in the Big Muddy Valley. It is
characterized by coal beds, nonmarine sands, shales, silts, &
clays. Where exposed on a cliff face the lower edge is grey in
color & is called the "grey facies". The upper layer is
brownish often containing white kaolinitic Willow Bunch member
material. This layer is called the "buff facies".
In the Miocene period a coarse gravel crossbedded sand layer was
deposited as a thin sheet over the Ravenscrag Formation. The layer
deposited in the Miocene era was known as the Wood Mountain
Formation. The formation consists of largely unconsolidated gravels
& sands with local occurrences of lithified conglomerate &
The Pleistocene period was the last ice age & it changed
this area forever. To the north the ice sheets were much thicker
but to the south they were non existent. As the melt water was
channeled it carried vast quantities of water eastward. Sediment
was deposited forming deltas of fine silt & sand. Flat outwash
areas formed flat fertile land. The town of Bengough is built on
one of these outwashes. Terminal, ground & hummocky morrianes
formed the major landscape characteristics around the valley. In
the recent period erosion has served to round the hills, cut
channels, & in general deposit material in the valley. This
results in an area of spectacular yet harsh beauty.
The Big Muddy landscape is fascinating ranging from smooth,
rounded, rolling hills covered with natural grass to the far more
dramatic rugged buttes, cliffs & hogbacks which reveal the
sedimentary layers of this valley. The most famous natural features
include Castle Butte, The Three Sisters, & The Arch. Because of
this diversity, the flora & fauna of the area are also very
diverse. Vegetation in the region includes prickly pear cactus,
greasewood shrub, Woods rose, Western Red lily, sage, & a
grey-leafed bush known as wolf willow. There are also many species
of wild fruit trees including chokecherry, saskatoon, pincherry,
buffalo berry, raspberry, currant, gooseberry & rosehip. Trees
are deciduous except for juniper & creeping cedar shrubs.
Animal species are numerous as well including Golden Eagle, bat,
coyote, badger, raccoon, weasel, whitetail deer, mule deer,
antelope, red fox, cottontail & jackrabbit, gopher, lynx,
bobcat, turkey vultures, prairie falcon, piping plover, upland game
birds & waterfowl. There are a wide variety of hawks, including
Ferruginous, Cooper's, red-tailed, pigeon, sparrow, marsh &
Swainson's. There are rare sightings of the Prairie rattlesnake,
although it is found more commonly to the west. Other common
reptile sightings are garter snakes, Eastern Yellow-bellied Racers,
Smooth Greensnakes, very large bull snakes, toads, frogs, &
turtles. Also in this region are the endangered Burrowing Owls.
The Big Muddy is unique to Saskatchewan. There have been several
earthquakes in the area with the largest being in 1909, measured by
a seismograph in Ottawa at a 5.5 magnitude. Several seismographs
were installed in 1965 & have recorded 14 earthquakes since.
Also unique is that the area is rich in paleontological finds. In
2001 a 2m skeleton of a 60 million year old crocodile was found
there. There is nowhere else in SK with both fossils & quakes
The Big Muddy is also rich in history & lore.The land of
legendary outlaws, medicine wheels, massive ranches, ceremonial
circles, stone effigies & undisturbed buffalo jumps. With
Plains nomadic societies visiting as far back as 10,000 years ago
there are numerous teepee rings, cairns & other ceremonial
boulder arrangements throughout the Big Muddy. Some of the most
seen effigies are Turtle Effigy, Medicine Wheel, Buffalo Effigy
(only known one in Canada), Bird Shoot Effigy. Towards the end of
the Indian occupancy & before this area became settled, it went
through a phase of outlaw history.
Because of its location near the US border, the Big Muddy
attracted bandits & horse thieves needing refuge. Patrolling
the region was a challenge for the NWMP because local ranchers, who
wanted no trouble, often turned a blind eye to illegal activities.
Some of the colorful characters were Sitting Bull, Butch Cassidy
& the Wild Bunch, Sam Kelly Gang, Nelson-Jones Gang, Dutch
Henry, Coyote Pete, & Frank Carlyle. Butch Cassidy set up The
Outlaw Trail extending from Station #1 in the Big Muddy to Mexico
with stops and fresh horses every 25kms. The NWMP established a
post here in 1902 but the harsh geography of the Big Muddy made the
Mounties task of patrolling the area very difficult. With the end
of the outlaw era the last RCMP horse patrol was in 1938. Tours are
available from Coronach if you wish to learn more about the history
of this area.
To log this earthcache please do the following:
1. Estimate the height of Castle Butte & email it to us. Don't
post it here. The coordinates will take you to the parking area at
the bottom of the Butte.
2. In your log post a picture of yourself/group with Castle Butte
in the background.
The cache rating is due to the remoteness of the area. We don't
recommend attempting this cache when its wet as things are very
slick. You do not need to climb the butte to log this cache so when
you are at the site the rating is quite low. Although if you want
to climb the butte there is a steep path to the top but please be
careful. The view from up top is spectacular! There are some neat
natural cave near the bottom of the butte that you can explore as
well. As always respect the environment and practice Leave No Trace
Here is a GLOSSARY of some terms used above:
BENTONITE: clay formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash
that can absorb large amounts of water expanding several times its
normal volume
CONGLOMERATE: rock consisting of pebbles embedded in a finer
cementing material
CRETACEOUS PERIOD: from 140million-65million years ago,
characterized by greatest development & subsequent extinction
of dinosaurs & advent of flowering plants & modern
FACIES: rock/stratified body distinguished from others by
its appearance or composition as it reflects conditions &
environment when deposited
GROUND MORRAINE: till covered areas with irregular
topography & no ridges forming gently rolling hills/plains.
Accumulates under ice by lodgement/deposition as glacier
HUMMOCKY MORRAINE: formed by the "pressing" of fine-grained
glacial debris under overburden pressure till deformation below
stagnant thinning ice
KAOLIN: fine clay used in ceramics & refractories &
as a filler/coating for paper & textiles
KAOLINITE: very common mineral, hydrated aluminum
disilicate, formed by alteration of other minerals
KAOLOINIZE: minerals containing kaolinite are weathered,
converting mineral into Kaolin.
LITHIFY: to change sediment to stone
MIOCENE PERIOD: 25-10 million years ago, when grazing
mammals became widespread
MISSOURI COTEAU:narrow band of prairie uplands stretching
across southern Sk to South Dakota, characterized by low hummocky,
undulating, rolling hills, potholes & grasslands, unsuitable
for agriculture
MORRAINE: any formed accumulation of unconsolidated debris
usually soil & rock caused by a glacier from an ice age
MUDSTONE: fine-grained, consisting primarily of compacted,
hardened silt & clay, where proportions of silt & clay are
about equal
NWMP: North-West Mounted Police
PALEOCENE PERIOD: 65-55 million years ago, characterized by
a proliferation of mammals, & continental collisions
PLEISTOCENE PERIOD: 2 million years ago to 10,000 years ago,
characterized by widespread glacial ice & advent of modern
Sandstone: Lithified sand particles
SILTSTONE: lithified silt particles
SHALE: lithified clay particles
TERMINAL MORRAINE: characterized by debris ridges formed at
the end or snout of the glacier by debris carried from the top of
the glacier to the bottom
Source "A GEOLOGY OF THE BIG MUDDY VALLEY" by Frank Bellamy,