Suicide Steps Traditional Cache
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This cache is hidden on the lesser-known trail that leads from the top of Suicide Cliff down to the Last Outpost.
During World War II when the US troops came to retake Saipan, the Japanese occupiers we afraid of the torture they assumed the Americans to do to them. By the droves, the Japanese lunged off these cliffs rather than surrender.
Either have someone drop you off at the top and pick you up at the Last Outpost on the bottom or just park at the top and walk the 5 or so minutes to the cache.
This container is hard to open if closed too tightly and please keep it as you found it so water does not seep in.
First to find rewards include about $150 USD and a new unregistered tracking bug.
Additional Hints
Bss gur genvy, oruvaq gur orapu.