Vita Vitalis Traditional Cache
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Vita Vitalis (A Life Worthwhile) is the motto of Saint John High School. Although the current building is "new" (built in 1932), the school as an educational institution is more than 200 years old. This cache is wheelchair accessible. Accuracy was 3.2 m when placed.
There will be two major challenges in finding this cache. The first is parking. Be aware that during the day it can be extremely difficult to find unrestricted (ie unreserved) parking. Your biggest challenge, however, will be MUGGLES! This cache site is a beehive of activity and is passed at least twice a day by 1200 muggles of the adolescent variety. STEALTH IS A MUST! The cache container has recently been changed to a film canister and contains only a log sheet. Please bring your own writing stick. The cache has been placed with the permission of the principal. The staff all know about the cache and can even give hints if you want them. The clue is easy for Canadian History buffs. Thanks, and happy caching! FTF: calmen
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Tbbtyr Pnanqvna Uvfgbel Sroehnel 15, avargrra-fvkgl-svir.