Hidden Pharmacist Mystery Cache
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I can no longer maintain this cache but it is such a good cache. So, if you go there, please replace if necessary.
Small mint box in small square dating from colonial times. Beware of muggles.
Caixinha em pracinha datando dos tempos coloniais. Cuidado com curiosos.
April 2013 - good news. According to O GLOBO the government has decided to do something about this little dilapidated jewel, and is planning on allowing boutique hotels to be established in the little houses.
In addition to finding this small mint box I would like you to answer the following: What architectural detail was forbidden by D. Joao VI, heir to the Portuguese throne, because he was afraid of being assassinated?
For the answer look in www.guiario.blogspot.com or www.billisguide.blogspot.com
Alem de acharem a caixinha gostaria que respondessem ao seguinte: Que detalhe arquitetônico, existente no local, foi proibido por D. João VI, porque tinha mêdo de ser assassinado
This is a historic location well worth visiting.
Please do not post answer or pictures.
Por favor não coloquem a resposta ou fotos no log.
The box contains the geocaching notification (please sign in back), a small pencil and a $ bill.
Additional Hints
Va gerr ubyr, haqre ebpx. Pnpur znl or pbirerq jvgu yrnirf