Naslonjena na pobočje najvišjega vrha Karavank, Stola, se nahaja Ajdna, 1046 m visok razgledni vrh, tik pod katerim je urejeno pozno antično arheološko najdišce iz obdobja med 4. in 6. stoletjem. Gre za najvišje tovrstno najdišče na ozemlju Slovenije. Naselbina je zgledno urejena v arheološki park, vreden ogleda.
Iz doline na Ajdno vodi dobro uro dolga precej strma markirana pot iz Potokov, vasi med Žirovnico in Jesenicami. Najkrajša pot na Ajdno je s ceste iz Završnice na Potoško planino, kjer lahko avto pustite pri kažipotu za Ajdno. Prijeten sprehod se ponuja tudi z Valvazorjevega doma pod Stolom.
Začetna vsebina zaklada, ki naj ostane v njem: dnevnik, svinčnik, sporočilo in dehidracijski gel.
The highest summit in Karavanke is Stol. Ajdna is leaning on its northern slopes. Its peak at 1046 m offers a great view of the valley and surrounding mountains. Not far from the top there is a late antique archeological site from the period between the 4th and 6th century - it is at the highest altitude among all sites from this period in Slovenia. Today there is an archeological park well worth visiting at the settlement site.
It takes a little over an hour to reach Ajdna from the valley by following a steep marked trail starting in the village of Potoki situated between Jesenice and Žirovnica. The quickest approach to Ajdna is from the parking area at the signpost by the road between Završnica and Potoška planina. Alternatively you can also take a nice walk from the Valvasor hut below Stol.
The initial contents of the cache which should not be removed are: logbook, pencil, cache note and dehydration gel.