Tolmin Gorges / Tolminska korita EarthCache
Tolmin Gorges / Tolminska korita
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EN The distance from Tolmin is 2km. (Elevation 180 m.)
ENTRANCE FEE 3€ adult, 1,5€ children below 14, children
below 7 FREE
SI Oddaljenost od Tolmina je 2km. (180 m n.m.v). VSTOPNINA
3€ Odrosli, 1,5€ otroci do 14 let, do 7 let gratis
The spring of thermal water on the bank of the Tolminka just below
the end of the trail through the chute is another great rarity in
the alpine world. The well known Hudicev most ("Devil's Bridge")
over which the Tolmin-Cadrg road passes arches sixty meters above
the Tolminka, and above it is the entrance to the Zadlaška
or Dante Cave. A triangular rock called the "Bear's Head"
(Medvedova glava) after its characteristic shape is wedged in the
narrowest part of the Zadlašcica chute.
There is a thermal spring in the short horizontal cave under the
Devil’s bridge. There are quite a few such springs in
Slovenia, but they are quite rare in the Julian Alps. Because of
the rock fall under the bridge, which created a barrier and raised
the riverbed of the Tolminka River, the cave can no longer be
entered. The thermal spring which flows into the gorge can be seen
when the water level of the Tolminka is low enough.
As the Tolminka carved its path into the limestone, it created wild
gorge with typical joints that can be seen as smooth vertical
plates. We can find similar ones in the Julian Alps only at one
other location, namely the Mlinarica gorge in the Trenta Valley.
Going further towards the East, the Zadlašcica carved its
gorge with deep erosion. Once the narrows of both river valleys
open up a bit, the two rivers merge. This merging of the two rivers
is especially interesting as it is the only confluence of the
gorges in Slovenia. This confluence (“Sotocje”) lies at
approximately 180 m above sea-level and is the lowest point of the
Triglav National Park..
Medvedova glava is the name of a natural bridge – a large
rock which got stuck, who knows when, between the walls of the
Zadlašcica canyon. Because of excessive moisture and warmer
Mediterranean climate throughout the year, the gorge boasts rich
vegetation. The rock covered with moss aroused the imagination of
human beings long, long ago – indeed, it looks like a hairy
bear’s head. Since the water of the Zadlašcica
literally jumps from one pool to another, it creates picturesque
cascades flowing through the gorge which is why the locals started
calling it Skakalce or in English “the Jumps”.
The cave of Zadlaška jama, named after the village Zadlaz,
is one of several caves through which the waters of the Soca
glacier flowed. This cave complex is 1.140 m long, 41 m deep and
boasts three halls. It is said that at the beginning of the 14th
century, the patriarch Pagano della Torre hosted the poet Dante
Alighieri in Tolmin. At that time, he is said to have visited the
cave which inspired him while creating the Hell of the Divine
Comedy. The cave was later also named after the poet. In 1922 it
was explored and mapped for the first time by the members of the
Krpelj Tourist Association and it was later made suitable for
visitors - stairs have been carved in and passages deepened. It was
fully explored and mapped by the Speleology section of the Tolmin
Mountaineering Society in 1977. There are two types of cave bugs
living there – namely, Anophtalmus ravasnii sontiacus; Muller
1935 and Anophtalmus Tolminensis; Muller 1922, Pretnar 1970, as
well as the bat of the type Rhindolophus hipposideros.
Zadlaška jama is among the most difficult tourist caves,
which is why it is only possible to visit it in the company of a
competent guide and with appropriate equipment.
If you want to log this
cache as found, you must do the following
Write me an e-mail with
following questions:
1. What is an average temperature of this
thermal spring?
2. How it is heated?
Make a Picture of yourself with a
Bear’s Head, positioned in the park and attach it to your
Please log the cache after you sent the answers, i
will write you if there is something incorrect.
Od parkirišca Tolminskih korit se lahko najprej spustite k
sotocju mrzle Tolminke in kristalne Zadlašcice, nato pa se
povzpnete do Hudicevega mostu, ki je zgrajen 60 m nad Tolminko. Pot
lahko nadaljujete tudi do Zadlaška jama (Dantejeve jame). V
ozkem delu korit Zadlašcice je zagozdena trikotna skala, ki
je po znacilni obliki dobila ime Medvedova glava.
V kratki vodoravni Jami pod Hudicevim mostom je termalni izvir. V
Sloveniji je kar nekaj takih izvirov, velika redkost pa so v
Julijskih Alpah. Jama je zaradi podora pod mostom, ki je zagradil
in dvignil strugo Tolminke, danes nedostopna. Termalni izvir, ki se
izliva v korita, je opazen ob nizkem vodostaju Tolminke.
Z vrezovanjem Tolminke v apnenec so nastala divja korita z
znacilnimi prelomi, ki jih vidimo kot gladke navpicne ploskve.
Podobne vidimo v Julijskih Alpah le še v soteski Mlinarice v
Trenti. Vzhodneje si je korita z globinsko erozijo izdolbla
Zadlašcica. Ko se tesni obeh korit nekoliko razprejo, se
reki združita. Zlitje obeh rek je še posebej zanimivo,
saj je to edino sotocje v koritih na ozemlju Slovenije. Sotocje, s
približno nadmorsko višino 180 m, pa je tudi
najnižja tocka Triglavskega narodnega parka.
Medvedova glava je ime naravnega mostu – velike skale, ki se
je kdo ve kdaj zagozdila med stene kanjona Zadlašcice.
Zaradi izrazite vlage in toplejšega mediteranskega podnebja
skozi vse leto je rastje v soteski precej bujno. Skala,
porašcena z mahovi, je tako že davno burila
domišljijo z videzom porašcene medvedove glave. Ker
voda Zadlašcice dobesedno skaklja iz tolmuna v tolmun in se
v slikovitih slapicih preliva skozi sotesko, so domacini ta del
korit poimenovali Skakalce.
Zadlaška jama, imenovana po vasi Zadlaz, je ena od mnogih
jam, po katerih so se odtekale vode soškega ledenika. Jamski
splet je dolg 1140 m, globok 41 m, v jami pa so tudi tri dvorane.
Pripoveduje se, da je zacetek 14. stoletja patriarh Pagano della
Torre v Tolminu gostil pesnika Danteja Alighierija. Takrat naj bi
obiskal jamo in v divjem okolju našel navdih za Pekel v
pesnitvi Božanska komedija. Po pesniku je jama dobila tudi
svoje drugo ime. Leta 1922 so jo prvi raziskali in izrisali clani
planinskega kluba Krpelj ter jo kasneje tudi prilagodili obisku -
vklesali stopnice in poglobili rove. Dokoncno jo je raziskala in
izrisala Jamarska sekcija PD Tolmin leta 1977. V jami najdemo dve
vrsti jamskih hrošcev (Anophtalmus ravasnii sontiacus;
Muller 1935 ter Anophtalmus Tolminensis; Muller 1922, Pretnar
1970), v njej pa prezimuje tudi netopir mali podkovnjak
(Rhindolophus hipposideros). Zadlaška jama sodi med zahtevne
turisticne jame, zato je za obisk potrebno spremstvo jamarskega
vodnika in primerna pohodniška oprema.
If you want to log this
cache as found, you must do the following
Write me an e-mail with
following questions:
1. What is an average temperature of this
thermal spring?
2. How it is heated?
Make a Picture of yourself with a
Bear’s Head, positioned in the park and attach it to your
Please log the cache after you sent the answers, i
will write you if there is something incorrect.
Additional Hints
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