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Courting Around 19 Loudon County Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

Team Geologynut: It may be months or even years before this one can be accessed again so I'm archiving it. When and if the courthouse get repaired and the grounds opened back up, I'll place another "Courting Around" cache here!

Hidden : 07/19/2009
3 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

FTF Goes To Dr_Dan2

The cache is not at the listed coordinates but is close by.

To complete this cache you must visit the beautiful grounds of the Loudon County Courthouse. There are monuments you must find and gather information from to get the coordinates for the final. All five monuments are on the courthouse grounds. The coordinates for the stages will be noted as waypoints on this page so you either need to write them down or upload them into your gps.

Stage One (Our Hero)
On top of this monument you will see a two digit number next to the word "Artillery". This two digit number will be A

Stage Two (Time Capsule)
Page # + (plus) Trust Book # - (minus) 51. This three digit number will be B.
(Just a note, as you are facing the Time Capsule monument, look to the left at the concrete posts with big chains on them. This is where you would tie up your horse when comming to the courthouse before cars were invented. Also while facing the monument if you look right at the newer brick building, you will see three windows that are close together, that's my office so be sure to wave!)

Stage 3 (Benchmark)
There is sometimes a cheap plastic trash can placed right in front of this benchmark so as you are facing the front of the courthouse, look for the cheap plastic trash can to the left and a benchmark will be behind it. Take the second digit of the elevation - (minus) the first digit of the elevation and call this C.

Stage 4 (Good Ole George)
At this monument you need the first digit of the date and call this D.

Stage 5 (Homecoming Tree)
Find the TWO DIGIT date and figure out which number usually goes in between the two, call this E.

Now simply plug these numbers into the coords below and go find a bison tube.

N35 A.B
W084 20.CDE

Stealth will be needed at the final and a pen or pencil is also a must. Good luck and happy caching!

You can check your answers for this puzzle at

TN Valley Geocachers

(click to visit our website)

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fbeel! V unq Gnpb Oryy sbe yhapu

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)