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Henderson Falls Traditional Cache

Hidden : 08/13/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Henderson Falls Falls Detail: Lower Henderson Falls is one of two falls on Henderson Brook. The brook is situated in Henderson Settlement a small cluster of homes and farms along Route 710 approximately half way between Cambridge Narrows and the Belleisle Bay. This beautiful waterfall drops over an escarpment spanning the entire width of the brook, providing a unique location. From the antique store in at the intersection of route 695 in Cambridge Narrow drive south on Route 710 looking for Shaw Road on the left or coming from Hatfield Pt turn right. The road provides the southern boundary of a farm. Turn left onto the gravel road and drive 1 km . The trail down to the falls is on the immediate right on a sharp turn. There is a new house to the left of the trail (he does not mind you going to the falls or cache say hi if he is out). Park along the road do not block driveway Follow the short trail to a set of stairs leading to the base of the lower falls. Look for the unique cedar tree knotted up with the escarpment near the stairs. The short trail leading down to the falls is very well maintained. There are also signs asking visitors to pick up trash and not to break bottles as the pool at the base is used for refreshing swims in midsummer. This enchanting waterfall surprised me. The amount of water flowing over the escarpment along with the angle of the sunlight escaping through the trees provided a bluish tinge while the entire scene encapsulated by the bright autumn colors made for a excellent photo opportunity. This is a must see waterfall that is very assessable to both young and old. The positive side to this site is that the owners do not mind visitors as long as the site is maintained. Thank you to the owners for sharing this waterfall The best way to the cache is to stay along the brook, so you don’t have to go through the yard.I had to cover it up more (Its there) Please cover up the same way and bring your own pencil.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Vg’f haqre n fznyy ebpx gung vf haqre n ovt ebpx gung vf pbirerq jvgu zbff.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)