Capo Testa is the most northern point of Sardinia.
Beside the worth seeing lighthouse there are many impressive granite rocks like in the "Valle de la Luna" which were formed by the wind and the tafoni alteration partly extreme bizarr. Many of these rock formations have got animal names because of recognizable similarity.
Tafoni (singular: tafone from the Corsican, cf. pietra tafunata = full of holes stone) are small cave-like features mainly found in granular rock such as sandstone (but also in limestone, granite, gneiss, lava and tuff) with rounded entrances and smooth concave walls. With this process (tafonisation) hollow cavities (1cm to 50cm) are formed by chemical alteration from the inside outwardly.They often occur in groups that can riddle a hillside, cliff, or other rock formation. They can be found in all climate types, but are most abundant in intertidal areas and semi-arid and arid deserts.f.e. Earthcache "A skull of tafoni"
Currently favored explanations controlling their formation include salt weathering, differential cementation, structural variation in permeability, and the length of the drying period between wettings. Small versions of tafoni are sometimes called alveoli; like the former, they are hypothesized to be results of salt weathering. Such tafoni are found in the Jodhpur-Ajmer section of India's Thar Desert. In the Valle de la Luna lived during the 60ies numerous hippies and dropouts. Afterwards wild camping was forbidden in hole sardinia. Today again some few dropouts live in the caves of Valle de la Luna.
To get credit and claim a "Find" for this EarthCache you must visite Valle de la Luna, and post a picture of yourself/s with a tafoni in background
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