Bond Falls Traditional Cache
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This cache is located at one of the most visited waterfalls in the U.P. The cache is a drink cooler painted brown with a Michigan Geocaching Organization sticker. When visiting Bond Falls be sure to park along Bond Falls Road, or near the gift shop so you can avoid the parking fees that are charged if you park down past the "Bond Falls Scenic Site" sign.
To find the cache, hike down to the bottom of the falls. Then follow the Ontonagon River as it exits the falls. Be sure to follow along the norteast bank of the river. You will see a path that follows the river, but the cache is hidden beyond the beaten path. Good Luck, and replace the cache well. Tens of thousands of muggles like to visit Bond Falls every year.
The original cache was lost before it was ever found. Likely due to poor satellite reception on the day I placed it. If anybody finds the original, please let me know since it has one of my geocoins.
This is an area of heavy forest cover. You may want to bring the hint along in case of poor satellite reception.
Additional Hints
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