Hierapolis - Pamukkale Traditional Cache
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Pamukkale; beyazligiyla unlu essiz guzellikteki travertenleri ve
Antik Hierapolis Kentinin sahip oldugu tarihi degerleri ile UNESCO
Dunya Kultur Mirasi listesine alinmistir. Dunyanin 8. harikasi
olarak nitelendirilen Pamukkale; pamuksu gorunumu ile essiz bir
seyir zevki sunar. Turkiye'nin Batisindaki Denizli'de bulunan, esi
ve benzeri olmayan travertenleri, antik tiyatrosu, antik havuzu,
termal su kaynaklari, Hz. Isa'nin 12 havarisinden olan
St.Philippe'in mezarinin bulundugu hac merkezi olan anitsal yapisi,
Anadolu'nun en gorkemli nekropolu, antik sehrin yikilmasina sebep
olan deprem izleri, Apollon tapinagi, gorkemli cesmeleri...
Gezi rehberi ve detayli bilgi icin
Pamukkale; was added to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list
because of the glorious and beautiful white travertines and the
historical values of Hierapolis Ancient City. For the cottony view
offers a unique taste, Pamukkale called as the 8th wonder of the
world. Pamukkale is in Denizli which was situated at the western
part of the Turkey. A magnificent Pamukkale and mysterious Ancient
City Hierapolis waiting for visitors with it's unique travertines,
ancient Roman theatre, ancient pool, thermal hot springs,
monumental tomb of St.Philippe who is descipe of Jesus, most
magnificent Necropolis of Anatolia, earthquake tracks which was
caused to collapse the ancient city, Temple of Apollon,
Click here for travel guide and more
Additional Hints
GE: Unmvar; Cnzhxxnyr Beralrev'ava qvfvaqnxv ntnpyvx ove nynaqn, ove xnlnava blhthaqn tvmyv. Bahaqr orlnm gnfyne ohyhaznxgnqve.
RA: Gur pnpur ybpngrq ng n jbbqrq nern juvpu vf bhg bs Cnzhxxnyr Uvfgbevpny Fvgr. Vg uvqra va n ebpx'f ubyr naq juvgr fgbarf ng sebag.