Each sentence has something in common with every other sentence. Find the 10 words that bind them together:
1. Attractive articles with the Lesley University insignia can be purchased at the Campus Shop in Massachusetts.
2. While at a SNEG dinner, the youngsters left the cavernous dining room and went to play a brisk game of laser tag.
3. When visitors tour the Stone Zoo, they may see a peacock, a ptarmigan, and an eagle along with some other birds with beautiful plumage.
4. Along with scenic geocaching opportunities, the Blue Hills Reservation has Big Blue, the steep hill used for alpine skiing and snowboarding.
5. We have cached in Massachusetts in a thunderstorm and in Canada in a snowstorm, but have yet to cache anywhere in a typhoon or a hurricane.
6. Bugsy won a DeLorme map book at the Geojamboree at Kettletown State Park and it has proven to be helpful in planning our geocaching adventures.
7. BluEyz does not enjoy geocaching with our son, Rickybythesea, in Tampa because there are sometimes poisonous snakes under the palm fronds where Floridians often hide caches.
8. When we attended an elegant car show at the Endicott Estate in Dedham, BluEyz admired the 1966 Shelby Cobra and the 1925 Ford T Tudor Sedan.
9. After a tough day on the hilly trails of New England it is entertaining to go to an upscale Italian restaurant in the North End and have the waiter serenade us with songs like, Oh Sole Mio.
10. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum had a tragic art theft in 1990 but classic paintings by artists like Whistler, Matisse and Vermeer can still be viewed there.
A. Take the 10 words and alphabetize them.
B. Take the first letter of each word and place it into a blank (keep them in alphabetical order).
42° ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ 71° ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___
C. Convert those letters into a number using the chart below and you will have the coordinates to the first stage where you will find the coordinates for the final.

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