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Pooh Sticks Bridge Traditional Cache

Hidden : 04/27/2011
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

Over about the past 12 years my 5 grandchildren and I have ridden our bicycles to many different neighborhood parks/playgrounds. While each park had an official name, we would rename each one using a name fitting for the highlight or main attraction at the park.

Willow Park is one such park that was renamed by us to “Pooh Sticks Bridge Park” because of the fun they had on the bridge in the park over a tributary creek flowing into MacDonald creek.

From this bridge we conducted many stick races ( a la Winnie-the-Pooh ) by dropping little twigs into the creek from the upstream side of the bridge and then watching them flow under the bridge towards the mini rapids (when the water was high enough) downstream.
It wasn’t as much of a thrill to see whose stick won the race to the rapids as it was to see whose stick made it through the rapids and then continue farther on downstream.

This cache, located in Willow Park, is dedicated to the 5 kids who raced sticks down the stream flowing under the bridge known to them as Pooh Sticks bridge.
They still bicycle around to the area parks and, more recently, to nearby geo-cache sites with their Grandpa and Grandma when they visit on holidays.

All are now experienced geo-cache finders – 3 (+ Mom) are known as the 3omahakids and 2, jmccacher and his sister, search out caches with their father, Topher_LV.

I hope you have a pleasant day in “Pooh Sticks Bridge Park” seeking out this cache.
Race a couple of sticks from the bridge if time, water level and weather permit.

FYI re the terrain around GZ:
Generally flat easy walking throughout the park but in the general search area there are some rather steep descents; depending on weather, these can be muddy and/or slippery.
So be careful as you search.

You may find a couple of decoy containers just to keep it interesting.
Please put back a decoy if you happen to find one.

Fast forward 10 years to 2021

The original design container was replaced Oct 31 2020 with a replacement cache container due to theft in June 2020.

The cache now contains only a log sheet. So BYOP.

A modification made to the original container to facilitate its removal and exact replacement in the host was incorporated in the replacement container and this new container is concealed a little more to help prevent further thefts.

So before attempting to find / retrieve this cache, read the hint and then come prepared with any TOTT you deem necessary based on your understanding of the hint.


As always, no excessive force or destructive causing acts are necessary to retrieve this cache.

This cache container uses a mechanical safety system integral with the cache container.
It is necessary to prevent unintended cache removal. The system is obvious and permanent.
This container does not need to be disconnected from the safety system to sign the log.

So please do not break it and restore it as you found it when replacing the cache.

Water and cold weather temperatures below freezing
are always a nemesis when retrieving outdoor geocaches.

If you find this cache cannot be easily removed under these weather
conditions, take a picture if possible and send picture ONLY to me
with a note of the situation.

Under no circumstances try to overpower
the forces of nature to remove the cache --

this will result in container breakage
a consequent disqualification of logging this cache as "Found.

Please put the cache container back exactly as you found it and leave the area in its natural state if possible so other cache seekers will have the same cache finding experience as you had.

ShazamMan, tnx for your consideration in making room.

God bless and good caching.


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Jura snpvat n ceboyrz va yvsr, nyjnlf trg gb gur pber bs gur vffhr naq qba’g or vagvzvqngrq ol nccnerag oneevref snpvat lbh ohg ybbx cnfg gurz gb ernpu lbhe bowrpgvir. Hfr lbhe trb-yvsr qrirybcrq gnyragf, fxvyyf, naq rkgraqrq zntargvp nccrny gb ribxr n fbyhgvba gb lbhe dhrfg sbe pnpur naq, jvgubhg rkprffvir be qrfgehpgvir sbepr, eryvrir nal grafvba lbh znl rapbhagre va lbhe frnepu sbe erfbyhgvba. N GBGG -- qba'g yrnir ubzr jvgubhg vg !!

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)