Atenção a cache não está nas coordenadas publicadas
Atenção a cache não tem material de escrita por isso levem algo com
que escrever
Boa sorte ...
16-1-18-1 5-14-3-15-14-20-18-1-18 5-19-20-1 3-1-3-8-5 5-19-20-5-19
14-21-13-5-18-15-19 22-1-15 20-5-18 4-5 4-5-3-9-6-18-1-18 21-13 1
21-13 5-19-16-5-18-15 17-21-5 19-5-10-1 6-1-3-9-12. 14-15-18-20-5
17-21-1-18-5-14-20-1 7-18-1-21-19 26-5-18-15 3-9-14-3-15
16-15-14-20-15 17-21-1-20-18-15-3-5-14-20-15-19 5
3-9-14-17-21-5-14-20-1 15-5-19-20-5 15-9-20-15 7-18-1-21-19
3-9-14-17-21-5-14-20-1 5 4-15-9-19 16-15-14-20-15
17-21-1-20-18-15-3-5-14-20-15-19 5 4-5-26-1-14-15-22-5.
Attention the cache is not at the published coordinates
Warning the cache has no writing materials so bring something to write
God Luck
20-15 6-9-14-4 20-8-9-19 3-1-3-8-5 20-8-5-19-5
14-21-13-2-5-18-19 1-18-5 7-15-9-14-7 20-15 8-1-22-5 20-15
3-18-1-3-11 15-14-5 2-25 15-14-5 8-15-16-5-6-21-12-12-25 9-20
23-9-12-12 2-5 5-1-19-25. 14-15-18-20-8 6-15-18-20-25 6-9-22-5 4-5-7-18-5-5-19
26-5-18-15 16-15-9-14-20 6-15-21-18 8-21-14-4-18-5-4 1-14-4
6-9-6-20-25 5-9-7-8-20 4-5-7-18-5-5-19 23-5-19-20 6-9-6-20-25
20-23-15 16-15-9-14-20 6-15-21-18 8-21-14-4-18-5-4 1-14-4
14-9-14-5-20-5-5-14 .