In fact this is a PUZZLE CACHE on the field. On the grids you will find homemade double pipe with micro cache inside. The mechanism of nine levels is intentionally complicated to open, but easy to close, although the combination of closing is only reverse order of opening. It is suggested that first cachers uncover the mystery of the opening and your time spent to open. This time the first finder is not likely to be FTF, or it will?
Zaklad se nahaja na mestu zemeljskega plazu, ki se je utrgal 11. aprila 1975. Mocno dezevje je povzrocilo premikanje velike mase ilovnate zemlje, nekaj minut cez deveto zvecer pa se je z velikim truscem utrgal zemeljski plaz. Ogromna kolicina namocene ilovice, pomesane z zlomljenim drevjem in stlacenim grmovjem, se je ustavila ob vznozju tega pobocja. Pri tem je odneslo cesto z Dobrave na Kocno in zasulo cesto z Jesenic na Dobravo. Plaz je pobral tudi dve vodni zajetji.
The cache is located at the site of landslide that slid on 11th April 1975th. Heavy rain caused the movement of large masses of loam soil, a few minutes past nine in the evening. Huge amount of soaked clay, mixed with broken trees and shrubs, stopped at the beggining of the foot. It blown off the road from Dobrava to Kocna and filled up the final road to Jesenice on Dobrava.