FLC? No, Tuesday Lunch CITO! Cache In Trash Out® Event
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FLC? No, Tuesday Lunch CITO!
Tuesday, 09 August 2011
Size:  (not chosen)
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A rare lunchtime CITO!
This is a 1 hour CITO event from 12pm to 1pm on Tuesday, August 9, 2011.
In May we cleaned the North side of Lake Cook Road between Portwine Road and Milwaukee, along the woods. This time, It's time to clean the south side!
Afterwards, if you still have the time, this area is loaded with great caching. The jar jar series is north of here... the Trail tubes to the south, and a whole lot of great caches in between. Bring your friends and lets have some fun, meet some cachers and clean up a great woodsy area.
Parking coords are provided. Access parking from west bound Lake Cook Road. Pull off just under the pedestrian bridge. Room for 20+ cars along the boat launch gravel path.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)