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Zaklad je skrit v bližini grada. Avto lahko pustite zraven kapelice in greste peš do gradu. hoje je prb. 5min.
Katch je normalne velikosti in vsebuje pisalo, logbook in nekaj nagrad.
Prosim vrnite katch, pisalo in logbook.
The catch is hidden near the castle. You can park your car near the small chapel and walk to the caste. From the chapel it is about 5 min walk.
The catch is regural size and it contains a pen, logbook and a few rewards.
Pls return the catch, logbook and pen.
Po bližnji Dobrci (1634m) imenovani grad Gutenberk sodi med najstarejše slovenske gradove. Prvic se omenja leta 1156, ko so vetrinjski cistercijani odstopili Alberonu iz Gutenberga - domino Alberoni de Guotenberg in njegovim sinovom pet kmetij pri Vipavi, izrecno kot grad pa šele leta 1330 (Dušan Kos), ko ga je koroški vojvoda Henrik podelil Petru z Liemberga za formalno bivanje in varovanje po grajskem fevdnem pravu. Tu velja opozoriti, da letnico 1187, ko naj bi se grad prvic neposredno omenjal (castrum Gutenberc), zgodovinar Dušan Kos ne priznava in navaja obrazložitev, da gre v tem primeru za omembno istoimenskega gradu na štajerskem. Žontar domneva, da so bili Gutenberžani andeški ministeriali, ceprav naj bi bilo obmocje gradu sprva briksensko. Kot price v spremstvu Andeških se Gutenberški omenjajo še vse do leta 1228, sredi 13. stoletja pa že nastopajo kot eni najpomembnejših spanheimskih ministerialov. Leta 1330, ko so bili Gutenberški že ortenburški vazali, naletimo na omembo gradu kot vest ze Guotenberch. Od druge tretjine 14. stoletja dalje nastopajo kot ministeriali deželnega kneza, takrat pa so poleg svojega izvirnega imena nosili že tudi vzdevek Cepel (Zaeppel), na katerega potlej v listinah veckrat naletimo. Kot zadnje lastnike v 15. stoletju Valvasor navaja Lamberge, ki so utrdbo prejeli skupaj z nakupom Tržica, ki mu je leta 1444 cesar Friderik III. na pobudo tedanjih lastnikov Tržica (Lovrenca Paradajzarja z gradu Neuhaus in dedicev Janeza Lamberga z gradu Gutenberg) podelil tudi trške pravice. Po potresu letu 1511 Lambergi gradu niso vec obnavljali. Leta 1557 so si od kralja Ferdinanda izposlovali dovoljenje, da ime gradu prenesejo na mlajši grad Glanz (Slatna pri Begunjah), ki je tako dobil naziv novi Gutenberk. Stari Gutenberg pa so nato dokoncno opustili.
Na gradu, ki se ga je med ljudstvom oprijelo ime Hudi grad, je bil rojen prvi ljubljanski škof Žiga pl. Lamberg, v ljudskem izrocilu pa se je ohranila pripovedka o zakleti grajski hceri na Gutenberku.
Po I. Stoparju bi bilo mogoce ruševine palacija in stolpa datirati že v 13. stoletje, po I. Jakicu pa v gotsko dobo (torej po letu 1300).
Ker pot do razvalin gradu ni nikjer oznacena, vam bo v pomoc ta kažipot. Do razvalin se lahko povzpnete iz dveh smeri. Prva vodi iz smeri Tržic, druga iz smeri Begunje. Iz smeri Begunje zavijete levo ob znaku "vila Bistrica", se povzpnete po urejeni makedamski cesti mimo kamnoloma do kapele (na sliki desno). Iz smeri Tržic se povzpnete proti Bistrici in sledite desno modri oznaki "Pod gradom". Nadaljujete vzpenjanje po ozki cesti levo, dokler pred sabo na zagledate kapele (na sliki desno). Gozdna pot med kapelo in hišo vas bo v piclih petih minutah pripeljala do grajskega jarka ob katerem vodi pot do razvalin. Nekoc je bil grad dostopen z vzhodne strani, kjer je bil vhod varovan s pravokotnim stolpom in globokim jarkom.
Vec o Gutenberških lahko preberete v knjigi Dušana Kosa z naslovom Vitez in Grad, kjer je priložena tudi genealoška preglednica.
After the nearby Dobrca (1634m) named Gutenberk castle belongs among the oldest Slovenian castles. It is mentioned for the first time in 1156 when Cisterians from Vetrinje gave domino Alberoni de Guotenberg to Alberon from Gutenberg and his sons five farms near Vipava, but explicitly as a castle in 1330 (Dušan Kos), when Carinthian duke Henrik presented it to Peter from Liemberg for formal residence and to take care of by castle's feudal law. It should be noted here that the year 1187, when the castle was supposedly mentioned explicitly for the first time (castrum Gutenberc), is not recognized by historian Dušan Kos and explains that in this case it is about the castle in Styria with the same name. Žontar assumes that Gutebergs were ministerials of Andechs, even if the place of the castle was probably in possession of Brixens. As witnesses accompanied by lords of Andechs, Gutenbergs are mentioned until 1228, but already in the mid 13th century they are one of the most important ministerials of Spanheim. In 1330 when the Gutenbergs were already vassals of Ortenburg, mentioning of a castle as vest ze Guotenberch is encountered. From the second third of the 14th century they are ministerials of provincial prince and at the time they also with their original name used nickname Cepel (Zaeppel) which can be afterwards found many times in documents. As the last owners in 15th century Valvasor mentions Lambergs who received the fortification together with purchase of Tržic, which got its borough tight in 1444 by emperor Friderik III. on initiative by the owners of Tržic at the time (Lovrenc Paradajzar from Neuhaus castle and heirs of Janez Lamberg from Gutenberg castle). After the earthquake in 1511 the castle was not reconstructed anymore by its owners Lambergs. In 1557 they arranged by permission from king Ferdinand to transfer the name to a younger castle Glanz (Slatna pri Begunjah) which now had the name new Gutenberk. The old Gutenberg was now finally abandoned.
First bishop of Ljubljana, Žiga noble Lamberg, was born on the castle which had a name "Hudi grad" ("Bad castle") among people and in folk tradition the story about a bewitched daughter of the castle Gutenberk has preserved.
According to Ivan Stopar the ruins of palatium and the tower could be dated to 13th century but by I.Jakic in the Gothic era (after the year 1300).
Because the way to the ruins is not marked anywhere this will guide you there. The ruins can be accessed from two directions. The first one if from Tržic the other from Begunje. From direction Begunje turn left at the sign "vila Bistrica", drive up on the good macadam road pass the quarry to the chapel (image on the right). From direction Tržic drive up towards Bistrica and follow the sign "Pod gradom" to the right. Continue ascend on a narrow road to the left, until you see a chapel (image on the right). Forest path between a chapel and the house will take you to the castle moat in five minutes, and near the moat a path to the ruins is located. Once the castle was accessible from the east where th entrance was protected by a rectangular tower and a deep moat.
More about Gutenbergs can be found in a book by Dušan Kos titled Vitez in Grad, where also genealogy table can be found.
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