CARKEEK CACHE Traditional Cache
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in our disclaimer.
Follow existing park trails to north meadow, to avoid bushwacking.
Take the Kid's, Take a Friend, Take your Spouse... Just get out and
have some fun. There is somthing for young as well as us older
Geocacher's. Good GPS reception at the cache site. Look for a well
marked ammo can. The cache is starting off with a Log (please sign)
Camera (please leave) Batteries, Toy's, Safety vest, Flashlight,
Key chains, Free drink token for club Cal/Neva Reno NV., and a
bunch of "Good will". Please respect private property when entering
the park. See hint if you need help getting into park. Thanks...
Additional Hints
Tb gb Fuberyvar Cx QE AJ naq AJ 117GU FG.
Vs lbh ner fghzcrq, ybbx nebhaq